[FNZ] Role Madness Avatar - The Last Airbender Mafia [Game Ended - Mafia + Indie Faction + Neutral Indie Victory]

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What townie fire of his are you looking for from him? Sometimes I'm not able to tell the difference between his town play and his scum play. He was scum at the Pokemon Black and White game and you town read him there.
I recall Muugen having agressive playstyle as town. That Pokemon game I subbed day 5 and did not have time to read most of it.


Day one non hostile indie claim.

It's a bold strategy, Cotton.
I think he believes he caught scum.
& what do you think of reloaded or you just going to sideline yourself?
I'll join you in your quest to win. That is my focus in the game now. That and getting a rise out of Natalija
so you dont intend to contribute to the game eh?

I mean if Fuji is scum trying to hide in plain sight with an indie claim, then Juliet will need to hand out some damn good brownies to distract from that connection.

I've got Juliet in the strong town section now
why'd you single juliet and avoid pero and i?
Indeed, @MUUGEN are you indie hunting day 1?
must not be reading eh?

There is no war in Ba Sing Se!


When were you under the impression this game is..

& what do you think of reloaded or you just going to sideline yourself?

so you dont intend to contribute to the game eh?


why'd you single juliet and avoid pero and i?

must not be reading eh?

There is no war in Ba Sing Se!
Believe I said his behavior is NAI.
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