Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1093 Spoilers Discussion

Will Sanji vs Saturn happen?

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Thanks to Scotch:

Chapter 1093 Title: Luffy vs. Kizaru

-Luffy prepares to throw Kizaru away.
-Atlas is about to go to the Fabirio phase to change Kizaru's order for Pacifista.
-Vegabank goes with Atlas to the Fabirio phase . Sanji decides to go with them too.
-Bonney fights the Marines on the Fabirio phase.
-Zoro fights Lucci, while Lucci using his awakening.
-Luffy throws Kizaru away, Kizaru comes back with light clones to attack.
-Kizaru prepares to attack the Vacuum rocket (transfer tube) while Vegabank, Sanji, and Atlas in it.
-Luffy comes in time to receive the attack. The rest arrive at the Fabirio phase and Atlas replaces Kizaru's command.
-The chapter ends with Saturn's gaze.

Break next week

Can you tell us who deleted these spoilers? I think they’re working with scotch and Lance

It’s funny that people like Lee (ELDER Lee Hung) and I think the Gorosei are strong but still think Luffy vs Kizaru is a main fight.

It’s almost like the Gorosei being strong is a non-sequitur.
Yankers don't care about Goroseis strenght, they just want them to replace admirals and make them irrelevant out of pettiness. Basically Gorosei being strong would somehow make admirals not top tiers in their weird ass logic


Everything?? Who told you they have everything???

The ones are challenging Luffy to reach the One are the Yonkous

WG ≠ Marines. Admiral's were never as strong and are not as strong as Yonkous, that's why Akainu got defeated by a cancerbeard and Greenbull got humiliated by Shanks and now is Kizaru turn to loose.
Defeated? As far as i know, akainu took half of WBs face and exploded his chest from the inside out.

As for greenbull, he was against the strongest pirate alive who most likely is also CD, he had a bad match up.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
I do have the feeling that Luffy does want to defeat Kizaru straight up.
Oh, yeah, Luffy is still mad about Sabaody. That was one of the most tragic experiences in his life.

Funny thing is, though, the other two people Luffy wanted to beat from that island are Kuma and Sentomaru, making me think Kizaru isn't getting defeated here, or at least not by Luffy.
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