You dumb fuck what the fuck are you talking about
Zoro unlocked acoc when he fucking used acoc BLACK LIGHTNING nothing to do with the flame
Can't have any normal argument with hot headed Zbois. Every comment need to be like dumbfk, retard etc. Fking shit of internet weirdos
Did you realise what I'm saying??
Before advCoC unlocked, when the flame goes out Zoro was always out of control, he never hold the sword and fight while on flame. You see on rooftop?? No
You see on first round against King?? No.
Whenever flame goes out Enma was out of control, and flame clearly indicates it was optimizing power and Zoro can't fight with it until he unlocked advCoC
Only when he unlocked advCoC he could handle it and fight while flame
Don't know wtf you're angry about
CoA = flame still doesn't make sense
It could be that Koh could have no advCoC too just like G5
He's not using CoC maybe but who knows he always started the flame RoFL. It's KOH sooner or later