How did Zoro scar Kaido? Or to be specific how did Oden scar Kaido? And to be more specific, why didn’t the scabbards Scar Kaido yet they all have advantages armament and all used Oden’s technique?
In fact when the scabbards used Oden’s technique there was even Black lightning in the attack… Exactly the same as when Oden scarred Kaido… what the difference between the scabbards and Oden in that both panels have black lightning yet one panel managed to scar Kaido and the other didn’t?
In fact when Kaido stood up from the scabbard’s attack he said one thing “You Attacks are too shallow”
This is the same thing Luffy says when he is talking about any attack on Kaido before unlocking AdvCoC
So what is this “too shallow” that both Luffy and Kaido use to describe The AdvCoA attacks of the Scabbards and Luffy himself
and why isn’t Oden’s attack also “too shallow”
And ultimately why isn’t Zoro’s attack “too Shallow” as it managed to Scar Kaido like Oden’s attack
@Ssg super suit coby Take your time and think about this before answering