Should Gojobros apologize to Kinyagi?

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Kenjaku vs Yuki and Sukuna vs Gojo are mirror fights in the way they ended

Kenjaku/Sukuna both sweat and scram to save themselves.
Big explosion/Black Hole
Next Chapter? 10 pages of explanation on how they survived/won the exchange

All effort to nerf Sukuna by taking away his DE and RCT, but he just gained an ability equivalent of open world domain and sure hit effect.
(In fact, it was not even Gojo's plans. He had no win conditions for himself. He didnt set a goal before going into this fight. He came prepared to fight his heart out and DIE).

Next chapter, Gege will be like, Sukuna wont use the slash again as he plans to play with these sorcerers. He wants to enjoy this fight. HE IS STILL HOLDING BACK.
Do they? They shared a body but now he is in a new one. So he would have megumi energy which isnt the same as Yuji's.
According to shoko, yuji is like a cursed object soaked in sukuna’s cursed energy. potentially this could mean that shrine is nerfed against yuji (and possibly megumi).
Since he’s basically drenched in sukuna’s cursed energy, sukuna’s attacks shouldn’t hurt him as much as it normally does.
Gojo = bitch 19 fingers without shadows, without megumi's body, who held back = not sure of victory. Prime sukuna>>Logjo. It's over. It's just that maho was the fastest way to overcome infinity. Having looked at it once and learned (without sharinnan and other shit) Sukuna vanshot Lodjo. Prime sukuna 4 hands , 20 fingers>Sukuna Megumi 19 fingers>Bitch 19 fingers,without megumi=>Gojo post Cube>Gojo to Cube.

All effort to nerf Sukuna by taking away his DE and RCT, but he just gained an ability equivalent of open world domain and sure hit effect.
(In fact, it was not even Gojo's plans. He had no win conditions for himself. He didnt set a goal before going into this fight. He came prepared to fight his heart out and DIE).

Next chapter, Gege will be like, Sukuna wont use the slash again as he plans to play with these sorcerers. He wants to enjoy this fight. HE IS STILL HOLDING BACK.
I hope not.Just make Sukuna go Berserk mode plz
I dont have any complaints about how Gojo was killed. If something was set up and makes sense then I can't see how you can call it bad. Sukuna used means previously established means to kill Gojo.

Also stfu about "OMG SUKUNU IS OVEEPOWRED NOW WITH DIMENSIOMAL SLASHES". He was one shoting everybody without them anyway so it makes virtually no difference in how people would approach the fight with him
its the opposite

mahoraga just helped sukuna gain the knowledge on how to bypass infinity with cleave
sukuna finished gojo with shrine
not with mahoraga or agito who got folded last 2 chapters

and 10s is quite literally not superior considering how gojo bodied it

this is the pinnacle of 10 shadows vs limitless

now if u wanna stick to the megumi conversation then i will just call that copium
its the same as gojo thinking yuta or todo can surpass him

we have alrdy seen gojo folding the strongest shikigamis despite being nerfed , so limitless is >> 10 shadows
Sukuna and Gojo both glazed over 10S, one wanted Megumi solely for it and the other gave Megumi the idea that he could surpass him using historical facts.

Stop huffing the copium, 10S >> Limitless + 6E and chapter just proved it beyond a certain doubt. Dimensional slashes >>>:myman:
2/10 solely because the dead Gojo panel looks great

All the rest is straight up mental retardation. If this were a One Piece chapter you wouldn't hear the end of it about how Oda should drop the manga or whatever
Gege deserves all the hate he is getting (not death threats obviously). The best pissed off fans can do is stop buying, review bomb, or criticize on Jump official pages.

I feel like this is sth he did on purpose just to piss off Gojo fans.

Gojo wanted a tough fight? Ok bitch, switch off your infinity and see how opponents treat you. Gojo had Kaido like moment, like he was waiting for Sukuna to gain strength, and then get killed by him.

Its fine though, I am not tripping. It is his manga, his characters and his story. He can do whatever he want.
Even sensible Sukuna fans will agree that it ruined Gojo's character and made him questionable entity.

"I am going to show off, my students are watching".
"I will bring Sukuna closer to death than he was in Yuji's body".
Lol, he had all the time to take limbs off of Sukuna, but he did not.
Now that I think about it, non of his attacks were lethal. Or, Gege nerfed the HP? I dont know.

Cope harder bros

I've seen many reviews on YT, and a lot of hardcore Gojo stans who're also honnest JJK fans admit that it was a great and impactful chapter regardless Gojo's death.

One cant accept blindly all the asspuls Gojo had in his favor and suddenly calling the manga/its author trash because he took an L against a minor asspul in favor of Sukuna.

Cope harder bros

I've seen many reviews on YT, and a lot of hardcore Gojo stans who're also honnest JJK fans admit that it was a great and impactful chapter regardless Gojo's death.

One can accept blindly all the asspuls Gojo had in his favor and suddenly calling the manga/its author trash because he took an L against a minor asspul in favor of Sukuna.
Go through our messages in the thread, kid

Idc what some youtubers make for views. Nor do I conform my opinion based on groupthink.
I'm not positive.

To me it's generally just talking about the energy of the fight. Similar to how we just had "Gojo Satoru's voltage rises."

Gege has also used that term in the fanbook to express that kind of rise in energy/hype.

Voltage is the correct term not anything else, TCB fucked it up.


So if TCB fucked up the volume vs music then they are actually worse than VIZ. That is why previous translators left that scan group cuz they hated the way they wanted to translate shit.