Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1094 Spoilers Discussion

Why did Saturn transform?

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Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
Franky: What will we do against him?
Sanjino: I don't know, I'm not longer the monster trio:josad:
Franky: So we will be raped until Nika save them:parkcry:
Kizaru after taking the attack is still talking in troll dialect. I don't know why I'm wasting time with you, you're on full copium rn, I'll leave you be.
You're the only one coping clown, Kizaru and Luffy are both panting to begin with, Luffy went into the fight already fatigued and even without advanced haki he's pushing Kizaru to become as equally tired as himself, and then he lands one hit and Kizaru shits himself and falls out of the sky.

Sasaki Kojirō

If the Luffy vs. Kizaru confrontation was temporary, it basically ended with Luffy defeating Kizaru after the punch, and Oda had to play the exhaustion card... "If I keep fighting you, I won't be able to complete my mission," yeah, because you'd be defeated. LMAO


Kitetsu Wanker
>some blood flows from Saturn's chest

Most of their fight getting off screened Kizaru not showing his awakening or going all out. Now Saturn attention is turned towards Goofy i like direction this is going, most of all if the match ups end up getting switched looking forward to hear excuses of certain users:pepebusi:
Yeah, Kizaru was never gonna get beaten by Luffy. I said he is incapable of beating him and there we go.
He ran out of juice and Kizaru isnt beaten. It is time for the green beast to take over and one-shot Kizaru.
The reversed payback from Sabaody is happening. :myman:
Kizaru after taking the attack is still talking in troll dialect. I don't know why I'm wasting time with you, you're on full copium rn, I'll leave you be.
It say there both down .
This is Oda way of getting rid of them for now and doing other stuff.
Oda even off screen most of the fight .
Couldnt even make kiz go all out
Kiz is fine
Luffy s outta gas after 2 min.
Huff huff crying :suresure:
LOL he fell on the floor and got 1 shotted. Cope harder. He already was going all out AKA admirals don't have awakenings. LMFAO Stay coping @ the fact that Luffy turns your fave into a banana just by thinking it now :gokulaugh:
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