Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1094 Spoilers Discussion

Why did Saturn transform?

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Sasaki Kojirō

There won't be another Kaido who withstands OKKG, ASHURA, TOGEN TOTSUKA, and hundreds of other attacks with ACOC. The guy is panting just trying to kill Vegapunk, and after a few minutes against Luffy, imagine this guy fighting against 9 samurais, 5 Supernovas, Yamato, Luffy 4 times, Kinemon again, clearing the fodder after killing Luffy, and finally carrying an island. Kizaru doesn't even come close to Kaido. :kayneshrug::cheers:
:suresure:You're happy Kizaru is basically Doffy?
Can't even dominate or beat casual G5 (adhaki rarely used)

Kizaru is exhauted againts casual g5
He then admits he can't keep fighting Or else he will lose.
He gets punched down hard...while G5 runs out

Kizaru didn't outlast crap...Luffy can re-enter G5 if he wants to

Doffy also was on the floor when G4 rocked him and ran out
We know what happens when Luffy reentered g4...oneshoted Doffy
Pray that Luffy doesn't finish Kizaru quickly in second round
Kizaru is going to be fine.

Idk about Luffy.
Oda just took both of them out the fight for more interesting stuff .
Still the man off screen Luffy vs Admiral no one saw that coming .
Even if i did expect fight to be a draw or get stop show how.
I think it will be just a stop to have some tension and this Saturn moment.

They will resume after.
sanjino is with the fooders (franky, boonie...) he will be low diff by saturn until nika save them:broocry::broocry::broocry:

Saturn's in front of sanji while zoros dealing with cp0 fodder.

Whatever youre selling... I'm not buying.

Kizarus down and so is luffy for a little bit. Only sanji is left and logically he's bouta fight Saturn. You can cry about it but it's still gonna happen:milaugh:


The only one who can beat me is me
You're the only one coping clown, Kizaru and Luffy are both panting to begin with, Luffy went into the fight already fatigued and even without advanced haki he's pushing Kizaru to become as equally tired as himself, and then he lands one hit and Kizaru shits himself and falls out of the sky.

I guess Kizaru > Luffy is pretty much confirmed? Luffy cannot tag him enough/has the stamina to put him down?

Idk if this is a Kizaru exclusive thing or this should apply to other Admirals, since he made G4 and it's fastest variant useless entirely. G4 looked impressive against Kaidou, heck even G2 and base looked impressive.

Did Kizaru rearrange the tier list?
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