Egghead incident.
The chain of events is going to culminate tomorrow and the outcome will shock the world.
Today is Saturday (Saturn Day), tomorrow is Sunday (Sun Day).
Saturn is the planet the Edomite Judeans associated with their “god”, now called “Satan”. The Edomites themselves were descendants of the tribe of Esau, who mated with Canaanites, worshippers of Moloch. Moloch is a “Minotaur” demon, half-man, half bull, to which the Canaanites made sacrifices to.
Moloch’s sign is the Hexagram star - as such the Hexagram is a symbol of Canaanite origin in Biblical times (“Canaanite” is a derivation of the progenitor“Cain”), which is why it is used in the occult, Kaballism, orthodox Judaism, the modern flag of “Israel” (there is no such thing as a “Star of David” in the Talmud, the Torah, the New Testament, etc.).
This is why modern “Jews” revere the number “6”, and why they hold the Sabbath on Saturday (The Day of Saturn/Satan). Hence, to summon demons and/or to place an evil curse on others has historically been called a “Hex” - etymologically ancient jargon and symbolism, that has survived into modern times.
These “Jews” claim to hail from the Semitic Edomite Judeans (though with some racial/genetic admixture). Actually, Jews and the Arabic Muslims both possess roughly the same amount of Canaanite/Semitic DNA, as do the “Turkic” race.
By contrast, the Israelite Judeans (now called “Christians”, though with some racial/genetic admixture), worships God on the 7th Day, Sunday.
The chain of events is going to culminate tomorrow and the outcome will shock the world.
Today is Saturday (Saturn Day), tomorrow is Sunday (Sun Day).
Saturn is the planet the Edomite Judeans associated with their “god”, now called “Satan”. The Edomites themselves were descendants of the tribe of Esau, who mated with Canaanites, worshippers of Moloch. Moloch is a “Minotaur” demon, half-man, half bull, to which the Canaanites made sacrifices to.
Moloch’s sign is the Hexagram star - as such the Hexagram is a symbol of Canaanite origin in Biblical times (“Canaanite” is a derivation of the progenitor“Cain”), which is why it is used in the occult, Kaballism, orthodox Judaism, the modern flag of “Israel” (there is no such thing as a “Star of David” in the Talmud, the Torah, the New Testament, etc.).
This is why modern “Jews” revere the number “6”, and why they hold the Sabbath on Saturday (The Day of Saturn/Satan). Hence, to summon demons and/or to place an evil curse on others has historically been called a “Hex” - etymologically ancient jargon and symbolism, that has survived into modern times.
These “Jews” claim to hail from the Semitic Edomite Judeans (though with some racial/genetic admixture). Actually, Jews and the Arabic Muslims both possess roughly the same amount of Canaanite/Semitic DNA, as do the “Turkic” race.
By contrast, the Israelite Judeans (now called “Christians”, though with some racial/genetic admixture), worships God on the 7th Day, Sunday.