Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1094 Spoilers Discussion

Why did Saturn transform?

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When were you under the impression this game is..
What Luffy needed against Kaido was AP. Something to block his club strikes while simultaneously inflicting enough damage to take him down. For both of these aCoC was the perfect PU because it's an AP amplifier.
Base or g2-3 Luffy is not blocking a roaring thunder bagua, even G4 Luffy couldnt. Let alone the empowered Ragnarocks he was using against G5 or Death Destroyer Bagua. He gets pasted.
Luffy was already able to dodge Kaido and keep up with him in the speed department pre aCoC.
He barely dodged a half assed TB while using FS, He was blitzing G5 Luffy. He trolled Snakeman when he wanted to show he can do it. The difference is he doesnt mind being hit whereas Kizaru tries not to be hit. Its a difference in fighting style not in ability.

That's the difference with Kizaru. When we saw them fight Oda immediately used Snakeman because it's Luffy's fastest pre G5 ability. AP wasn't the issue (well it was as well but we assume he just didn't use aCoC in Snakeman) but speed.
Yes I agree, the issue with fighting Kizaru is speed not AP.

I know G5 doesn't visually impress enough to show it but the mode is both stronger physically and faster than any previous Gear, it combines both which is why it is his peak.
And ive show you panels of Kaido blitzing that mode, you even talked to me about it.

I know that Kaido keeps playing around but I'm pretty sure that when he entered drunken mode is when he truly went all out.
Yeah? So then what do you call what he did against G5 Luffy? Going all out. all outter?
Like yeah they are all reacting to Saturn presence but I find noteworthy that Oda have Jinbe talk about Saturn strange presence instead of sheer strenght. When Luffy reacted to Kizaru it was about how strong his presence was.

I still think that in raw stats Gorosei are below etablished top tiers but are still very dangerous due to weird ass hax
and abilities. @gz89
Another indicator is that Luffy ignored him after two seconds and went straight at Kizaru.

Unless Oda introduce godlike Ki that no one can fully sense it means that Saturn is strong but not that strong.


The only one who can beat me is me
False, Kaido wasnt drunk anymore when fighting G5 and was clobbering him and keeping up with his speend and blitzing him, he murks him if hes half serious.

This is also false he was overpowering Luffy the entire time until he lost the BG clash, but do keep in mind that:

1- He was at the end of his rope by that point.
2- He couldve just dodged it.
3- BG is not something Luffy can use anytime he wants for example he wouldve never used it if the fight took place in Dressrossa or any island because it would destroy the entire island and kill its inhabitants.

Kaido wins because he has more AP, stamina and even speed more often times then not.

My point is if Kaido was serious from jump he murks anything below G5 mid to high diff.
Agreed with some things, disagreed with a lot of this but it requires its own big post.
Luffy will be on deaths door at this rate and mans will keep pushing their headcanon.

Dude he is exhausted right now, he's used every form of haki, he's used his fastest form, his peak gear, he's used muscle amps in that peak gear.

This is Luffy at his best, like I said, will he continue to do better as the fight heats up? Probably, but at this point it will take willpower for him to keep pushing his max output. This has gone far past testing the waters, round 1 is damn near concluded and Luffy has used his entire arsenal now.
He isn’t
Luffy’s current state is nowhere near as bad as to the state he was in when he went out of g5 against kaido

And no he hasn’t
He hasn’t used used his g2 or snakeman equivalent attacks when it comes to speed, hasn’t been spamming advanced haki like he did against kaido not using no touch, he used his giant form once to throw kizaru, and used 1 muscle boosted attack that has kizaru down for now

Do you unironically think luffy is weaker than unawakened kizaru?


When were you under the impression this game is..
if Kizaru is defeated/KO'd -> I delete my account
if Kizaru is not defeated KO'd -> you delete you account

I can also lighten it to just be changing profile pics @Pringles @MonsterKaido @Erkan12

But seriously decide soon, I need to focus on school or im gonna fail
Nobody believes Kizaru is defeated after one singular ACoC punch, it would be trash when Kaido ate hundreds of those.


When were you under the impression this game is..
A lot of this may have to do with him being unable to tag Kizaru, or catch him. Forcing him to waste more energy. But too bad, that's all a part of it.
This has been the main issue yes, matchups matter. Kaido doesnt have a limited time form to fight Kizaru for example. He'll tag him, because he was tagging G5 Luffy as well.
It’s going to be the same as big mom. She coulda shoulda done this and that.
people seriously can’t fathom that just because you have a haki ability doesn’t mean you can or will use it all the time.

No character spams ACoC in every single attack. Even Kaido relied on his DF in dragon mode.

BM used CoC to try to deflect damned punk. Luffy used CoC in his star punch. Just because they didn’t use it in other situations doesn’t automatically mean “PIS”.
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