Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1094 Spoilers Discussion

Why did Saturn transform?

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I mean its the first ACoC attack that hit him id assume hes fine, Kaido ate hundreds of those so Kizaru should be ok.
We don't really know that. They fought off-screen. Even when the attack landed we see Kizaru's face and it looks to be in the same state as before. Garp and Kuzan had dried blood marks all over their face. It's hard for me to believe that they didn't hit each other all fight
What's your point bro?
Did I say Base Luffy beats Kaido ?
nah but you said I can't put Luffy below Kaido but he's because of the time limit since Gear 5th ain't enough to stop Kaido besides BG which if post Wano Kaido tried to fight against , he would surely evade instead of going against it and that clearly can make him win the fight .
Base Luffy has proven how long he can hold out against Kaido. Kaido even acknowledged him.
I'm with u in that but Gear 4th Luffy vs Drunk Form showed the gap between a sky splitter low level Yonko and Kaido Level LoL
F*ck you Loda
I made all my family Reading OP even my Granfather and Granmother
I bought every volume day one
I Root for you every day

And you does that to me Kizaru running away from Luffy and Zoro being in trouble against Lucci

Why me LOda ? F*ck you Loda


F*ck you Loda
I made all my family Reading OP even my Granfather and Granmother
I bought every volume day one
I Root for you every day

And you does that to me Kizaru running away from Luffy and Zoro being in trouble against Lucci

Why me LOda ? F*ck you Loda
nah but you said I can't put Luffy below Kaido but he's because of the time limit since Gear 5th ain't enough to stop Kaido besides BG which if post Wano Kaido tried to fight against , he would surely evade instead of going against it and that clearly can make him win the fight .

I'm with u in that but Gear 4th Luffy vs Drunk Form showed the gap between a sky splitter low level Yonko and Kaido Level LoL
Come on dude, they're clearly on the same level lol. You can have Kaido ahead totally fine but it's not going to be a mid diff because Luffy has worse stamina.
Goofy definitely gets negged by Sanjino.

Sanji is faster and he can avoid him for 5 minutes until the fodder is in grandpa on life support mode. Then he can send him all the way to Laugh Tale with Ifrit Jambe:sanmoji:

These new Yonko's leadership is truly next level, they all have multiple subordinates individually stronger than they are: Zoro, Sanji, Crocodile, Mihawk, Kuzan, Shiryu. Let's not forget they also hyped Shanks' crew during his bounty reveal. It wouldn't be a surprise if Beckmann and Lucky Roo are also above the rat. No wonder Yontotards are coping this hard:crazwhat:


When were you under the impression this game is..
We don't really know that. They fought off-screen. Garp and Kuzan had dried blood marks all over their face. It's hard for me to believe that they didn't hit each other all fight
Kizaru doesnt have a single bruise on him, Its likely the first ACoC attack taht hit him.

Even when the attack landed we see Kizaru's face and it looks to be in the same state as before.
No we see the attack land we dont see the aftermath.
Idk why people want Sanji to fight Saturn, if these guys are as strong as we think, Sanji will get packed up to show off how strong Saturn is.
How will Sanji reach the level y’all want him to reach if he doesn’t get packed up first? Luffy had to get one shot by Kaido before he was able to clash with him. Sanji got packed up by Doffy before getting that Commander fight. If you want him to fight an Admiral one day he needs to get packed up first especially since he has never fought a top tier before.
G5 always uses adv coc. Yes Luffy used adv coc against lucci and he couldnt defeat him
This is a big lie and yoy not it. Everytime Luffy or any toher person.uses ACoC, Black lightning is showm.when Luffy doe snto ahev black lightning, he is not ysing AcOC

Stop spreading BS.

Even in the panel kaido said Luffy was using AcOc with Gear 5, there was lightning shown. This was chapter 1045
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