One Piece Chapter 1094: "Jay Garcia Saturn"

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Lazy is the way
The eye thing (weak person cannot look at them) is only for Saturn or for all the Gorosei ?

Because in the Ushi Oni legend there is this : In Wakayama Prefecture, ushi-oni are mountain-dwelling beasts. Legend says when a hiker or traveler makes eye contact with the ushi-oni, the person cannot avert his or her gaze. The person's soul or energy is drained and he or she dies. This is called “Kage wo kuu (影を食う)” or sometimes "Kage wo nomu (影を飲む)", which translates to “eating the shadow” or "drinking the soul".
Very good chapter.
It seems from the four that where fighting, only lucci and zoro are going fr against each other but i don't think we will get a conclusion.
Kizaru is definitely super strong and definitely not down lol.
Sanji was really nice in this chapter and he returned to his normal self.
Where is robin?
Finally Saturn!
Oda deliver with this one, i was expecting some Goofy sketch but he is terrifying lol.
I like this new tier of zoan df and i Can't wait to see his abilities.
The cover was amazing and i am pretty sure that the dragon that Ryuma killed is some super df user, now that the stories are connected.
Zoro was not important enough they said :whitepress:
So Kizaru himself saying "This is bad" isn't equal to those?

No it freaking doesn't, a manga is a visual medium, there's always a visual indicator somewhere that matches dialogue.

The attack hurt Kizaru, but it's not damaging him like Rayleigh could and that's the freaking point.

Akainu got hit with a Gura+ Adcoc and bled, Aokiji got hit with Adcoc and bled.

Those two had all the visual indicators of damage, absolutely Zero, like freaking Zero is present in Kizaru.
Absolutely boss design for Saturn. Really menacing and fitting for the Godhead of Science. So powerful that weak people's heads explode when they see him, not to mention all the strong fighters on the island stopping to notice him and the demon circle. Dude's a boss. Probably the lower limit of the Gorosei members so I definitely look forward to seeing the rest too. They'll make very fitting opponents in the final war along with the Admirals (though likely at seperate stages of the conflict).

Sanji did quite well to save Bonney from those Vice Admirals. Dude's just too fast. Maybe Dobberman could pose some sort of a challenge (and that's just me hoping he's Queen level to compensate for the underwhelming Vice Admirals) but I feel like none of the rest would pose much problem. We'll see what happens as Sanji will likely have to save Bonney again from Saturn this time. I wouldn't even mind Sanji getting harmed, he's up against a menace but no doubt he'll keep his team in tact.

Luffy did good with that attack. We'll see just how much damage was done but Kizaru seemed to acknowledge it as a powerful blow. I'm enjoying their bout and can't wait for the next stage of it. Hopefully Kizaru gets that he won't get to Vegapunk without going through Luffy since Luffy's shown to be capable of intercepting his attacks and catching up to him. Kizaru should bust out awakening to try to gain the upperhand, he's done good so far and I'm sure he has more in store. I'm rooting for Luffy but Kizaru's one of the coolest characters and has such an amazing fruit.

I feel like Zoro vs Lucci still has a good or so chapter left (I don't see Lucci being wrecked with a single serious attack). Hopefully Lucci can manage to give Zoro a good fight even without being as durable as King. Making up for what he lacks in durability with strength, speed and endurance could be quite good but the end result of Zoro cutting him down won't change.

Bonney's been doing quite well. After getting tossed by Kizaru and getting Sentomaru's help, she's done well in handling some Marines but her struggling against Vice Admirals especially when her father's replicas are being used is understandable.

Overall good chapter. Oda should keep it up but focus more on individual bouts. Cutting away is always underwhelming, Luffy vs Kizaru was just getting good so hopefully Oda focuses on other battles while Kizaru gets up and Luffy kickstarts his heart. Seeing how Saturn responds to Bonney's stab and how Sanji and Franky will aid here could be quite good. I'm not expecting Sanji to push Saturn far but I expect him to use his speed to save his friends and maybe atleast land an attack or two and withstand some blows before the Ancient Robot takes over the battle and Sanji moves on to Dobberman or something. Scratch that last part, I'm all on the Sanji team vs Saturn train, let them do their best with the Robot's aid till arcs end, Sanji already evaded some Vice Admirals while carrying someone and had the S-Shark fight, facing Saturn is looking good.
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No it freaking doesn't, a manga is a visual medium, there's always a visual indicator somewhere that matches dialogue.

The attack hurt Kizaru, but it's not damaging him like Rayleigh could and that's the freaking point.

Akainu got hit with a Gura+ Adcoc and bled, Aokiji got hit with Adcoc and bled.

Those two had all the visual indicators of damage, absolutely Zero, like freaking Zero is present in Kizaru.
Kizaru and the Admirals have always been extremely stoic and strong. Luffy's fruit has strectched his head in, and hasn't finished impacting yet, thats why no blood yet. I will BELIEBE KIZARU when he thinks to himself "this is bad". You hyping up a man while he is actively dehyping himself. He did crash through buildings, which a logia user should be able to trivialize... yet he didn't turn into light curiously... Could it be that he maybe was too stunned to use his DF?
Damn Luffy rocked Kizaru with that hit I think this is probably the hardest hit an admiral has taken other than Whitebeard going ham on Akainu.

But can we all agree at this stage Luffy's gear 4 and 5 are nothing but nerfs at this point. Oda uses them to conveniently take Luffy out of the story because he's to OP at the moment and Oda has a need to make the SH look like under dogs.

At least pre timeskip Oda was creative when taking Luffy out of the picture. Swallowed by snake etc now it's oh ran out of steam such lazy writing.

Think Saturn will fight a gauntlet of people like Sanji, Bonney, Jimbei, VP and Franky. Honestly the only way I can see this being resolved is Kuma he will do something here not sure what but he will.

Lol Zoro is still fighting Lucci.