Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers Discussion

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Chapter 1,095 - additional spoilers by Malik from TalkOP

- Chapter starts with Saturn and Bonney conversating over kuma
- no kizaru nor luffy in chapter, we still don’t know how their fight has ended
- The flashback talks about several (unauthorized) tournaments with the support of black market emperors
- Celestial Dragons bet children of participants in the tournament: losers are killed by their own son(s)/daughter(s) - just like locusts (insects) eat their own father’s corpse
- Kuma has to kill his dad
- In the last page of the chapter, we can see a young girl (8/9 years old) eating meat (she likely is the daughter of another gladiator) while Rocks’ jolly roger appears near the island
Crazy info so Xebec actually saved people from this crazy tournament.

So why did Roger fought Xebec it makes no sense ?? There is definately more to this tournament.
When Kizaru is using and attacking with his DF, he's essentially moving with LS. When he's suddenly moving from A to B without people noticing, that's one example.

I don't entertain your mental gymnastics any longer.
Can you prove that Kizaru only has very limited use of LS? Is there an explicit statement which supports your assertion?
He’s shown that his movement uses acceleration this arc dude. The speed of light is constant there’s no acceleration
Dragon is 55, so he would have been ~17 around God Valley. This person being 7-10 is not that weird if they had Luffy 19 years ago, which was 19 years after God Valley.

That would make Luffy's mom like 26-29 and Dragon ~36. Its not that bad lol. Kyros was 10 years older than Scarlet and they had Rebecca, just an FYI.
Oda try to write a canon couple with a small age gap challenge (impossible)
Dragon is 55, so he would have been ~17 around God Valley. This person being 7-10 is not that weird if they had Luffy 19 years ago, which was 19 years after God Valley.

That would make Luffy's mom like 26-29 and Dragon ~36. Its not that bad lol. Kyros was 10 years older than Scarlet and they had Rebecca, just an FYI.
It's more likely to be Bonney's mom
If Garp knew about the tournament and still decided to be a marine he’s either a massive idiot or a massive hypocrite lmfao
Like all marines you mean.

Kizaru for example knew about "that thing", Luffy's G5 and then recognized it as such as soon as he's seen it for the very first time.

Akainu is fully aware of a lot more than we know about. They fought for so long defending the WG, of course they know a lot and seen a lot. They are all aware.

Are you saying Kuzan didn't know he's killing innocents on Ohara?
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