Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers Discussion

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Whining about pirates does not wash away Garp protecting actual child rapists and child murderers.

If Garp was willing to turn the blind eye to the Celestial Dragons raping, murdering, and enslaving kids, but refused to fight for Ace, he's top 10 trash in the series.

I don't care what his excuse is. Plenty of Pirates like Whitebeard chose protecting children over sucking up to the WG, if Garp was on Roger's level, and therefore Whitebeard's level, why couldn't he have chosen children over these Celestial Dragon shitheads???

Luffy has always been above the WG and Marines, because he never used rules as an excuse to abuse children.
Garp still save many people from pirates .
I think you forget that most of people in the world like the marines even with them working under the CDs.
It's the same marines that protect them from pirate who destroy there countries , make them salves , etc etc .
WB protect some people but there still near or it over 200 countries with WG .
Like Coby seen as hero for rocky port but still working under CD scum but try to save as much people as can under current system.
Few good pirates don't stop thosands of other bad ones .
An already softened up Kaidou btw.

Takes CoC KKG --> shrugs it off within seconds --> claps back with Roaring TB --> Luffy almost knocked out.

Compare that to Kizaru struggling after ONE CoC attack. Remember, he has only taken damage from ONE attack so far.
It's easier to delude oneself into thinking a punch the size of Kizaru's head is somehow the second strongest attack in Luffy's entire arsenal, below only an island sized Kong Gun.
i don’t really care about admiral agenda but I’m happy because this makes Kidd seem like less of a fraud.

no admiral would get .5 shot like Kidd did, but I can at least say they probably wouldn’t take a strong move like DD very well.

Especially not when they’re portrayed like this
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