Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers Discussion

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Character development or strength you don’t get both
Being a predator, crybaby, what a character! :crazwhat:
egg head >>>>>>>> Wano shits even if ZKK happened i can't bear that shit we had to endure on

November is coming ; with Oda's schedule :

Chapter 1095 ( right now ) -> Break -> 2 chapters ( end of october ) -> Break -> 1 Chapter ( Zoro's birthday ) 1098
@CbShadow @ShishioIsBack @nik87 @Geo @comrade
More interested to see if Oda is going to do something with chapter 1111. :myman:
Whitebeard and who? Unfortunately, King disagrees with you.

Kaido himself only sees them as capable of fighting against him. Even Whitebeard avoided fighting Kaido in Wano, and Whitebeard is equal to Roger... Oda isn't showing respect to Roger and Whitebeard when he chooses to elevate Kaido as the embodiment of strength, something Roger is not, and has King tell Kaido to continue being the strongest there is.
And guess who was especially hyped by KAIDO? Roger. Who said Haki reign supreme? Kaido. And whose Haki was highly praised by KAIDO? Roger.
That's basically Oda telling you: See Kaido is this strong, now imagine Roger!

Now we have Primebeard who was also Roger's equal.

Primebeard merely wanted to avoid the casualties when fighting Kaido due to something which happened in the past when he couldn't help Oden.
Seems like Saturn might have occular powers. He's doing the Uchiha thing. Might be that his opponents are not allowed to look him in the eyes.

And good lord, I'm glad Kizaru is out of commission for a while. Even tho I like him a lot, it would have undermined Luffy's strength a lot. That was some decent attack already. Wouldn't have made much sense if he could take those regularly.
My scaling is intact
Don't be annoying.

Me arguing that Saturn is the main antagonist of Egghead isn't a Zoro vs Borsalino thing.

I do want Zoro to fight Borsalino, but completely separate from who Zoro is fighting, the last two chapters especially just seem to me like the story is developing Saturn as the big bad of the arc.

Like that's just how the arc is shaping up.

And no big bad has ever fallen to someone that isn't Luffy.
That wasn't directed at you, but people can't shit talk for weeks, and not expect a jab or two when something spicy comes up. If Zoro does have to end up going against Kizaru at some point, he obviously won't be motionless.
@Sir Yasheen, @EmperorKinyagi, @Elder Lee Hung, @Kurozumi Wiwi, @Paperchampion23, @MarineHQ, @Extravlad.

Do you guys still think Luffy won't be the one to defeat Saturn?

Seems to me like we've seen the Egghead Princess in need of rescue, and it's Bonney.

We've got Kuma telling her about Nika and Saturn causing her father's death.

Bonney is going to be lying down on the floor hearing the drums of liberation and watching Luffy pummel her father's enemy.
Yeah because there’s another character who listened and awoke due to the drums of liberation. The pirate monkey D Luffy has a score to settle with Kizaru while Saturn fights the robot that’ll beat his ass to luffys beat
I will say it again, Kaido is not the strongest character of this verse. Roger and Primebeard are confirmed stronger than him and no, I'm not upset about Saturn at all, he was a freaking beast after all lmao.
This is another kizaru wank...shanks wank
Getting carried by feats below what kaido did

Apparently it takes using hax on bonney or Sanji to be above Kaido or equal

Last time it was Kizaru was equal to Yonko , above BM for matching g4 that katakuri trashes or matches easily
Now Saturn
Then ....
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