Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers Discussion

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Idk where you see that implication, also the head exploding thing is apart of his powers and any top tier who uses their powers can fuck up a YC1 or someone below like Bonney.

If he was near death he wouldnt have been able to remain active for days before getting patched up.
Big Mom couldn't do that; the only one with minimal showings was Kaido but he used ACoC TB to knock Bound Man down. Saturn did it very casually as if it's nothing.

Again, from one stab:

KO means knocked out, and you know it. If I said "Kizaru is KO" - and remember Kizaru is "unable to move", would you not jump on my back and say "BuT hE's NoT KO'd He'S UnAbLe To MoVe"? Stop being so disingenuous
I think some people forget that being knocked out don't mean being unconscious or the term would lose all meaning in boxing lol .
Why are AssmiraL bros even surprised, Ryokugyu was damn near unconscious from Shanks flexing CoC a thousand miles away, it's to be expected that a Yonko can one shot AssmiraLs with a direct CoC hit, this is nothing to be ashamed about, Yonko >>>> mere AssmiraLs, the agenda is over, Yonko have won
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