Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers Discussion

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I'm trying to do JJ/Brazilian JJ and Muay Thai
I wanna be a boxer/fighter so I'm going to do a lot of martial arts, if you have any please recommend them
Well depends why you want to do it first off
If its straight defense, go for Kick Boxing or Boxing, keep people away from you + you maintain a high degree of cardio/gas tank
If its for straight martial arts skill you can't go wrong with BJJ/Judo

Imo Judo is harder and tougher on the body, BJJ doesn't gas you out near as much as other martial arts

If I were to rank (and I am in no way a professional or experienced martial artist, just a regualr guy), I would say (in terms of efficacy)

Boxing > BJJ > Kickboxing > Muay Thai / Judo / Taekwondo

I plan to start boxing soon as well, I firmly believe once you can swing hard and handle on the ground you got your bases covered
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