Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers Discussion

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let me get this straight, Luffy is on the floor being rescued by franky and about to get stomped but he is still conscious and does not say a word in the chapter? This shit stinks
I am not talking about fight them self or how there done i am taking about Oda write them when they face enemies groups.
Zoro fights number 2 and Sanji fights number 3 has been that way for 1000 chapter no matter if there fight hard or easy or what ever else.
If Zoro fights the number one elder then sanji will fight the number 2 elder and luffy will deal with imu .
This format is never going to change.
I just answerd the difference in closest enemy sanji and zoro had
King midd difs Queen & Zoro finished King without Asura while sanji had to use new Diable Jambe
Mr1 Low diffs Mr2
And i Explained Zoro 1 shot Kaku and his strongest attack after Asura Sanji 2 shot Jabra and got injured after by Jabras shigan after power up. Zoro Fights strongest Gorosei Sanji fights Kizaru.
lol should i go pull up the comments of you turning a jack vs queen endurance and durability counter argument into a sanji vs zoro thing?

youre a crybaby bitch who wants to suck the dick of a made up character get over it it'll never happen.
You tried to downplay Luffy to make Zoro sound better

I told you the truth of how Zoro is fodder to luffy then you brung up Sanji. That is how it started 🤡
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