Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers Discussion

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Sasaki Kojirō

replace luffy with kaido kizaru dies while Saturn watches
Saturno will just watch since saving Kizaru and annoying Kaido is not on the same pedestal as Nika... So, Saturno will literally let Kizaru die because it's not worth annoying Kaido over a replaceable subordinate. LMAO
Where is the blood and serious damage by the way?

Don't tell me I get to clown you more??
Wait, let's get this straight.
Kizaru is shown bleeding and white eyed during the hit
He's knocked away and isn't seen for almost a whole chapter
But there's no serious damage??


The only one who can beat me is me
Its blatantly obvious that he's getting up, and the only 2 groups I see coping about it are people who cant let go of Kaido for some reason (like we dont know he's not the tankiest character in the series) and Zoro fans trying to still get Kizaru and him to fight.
Lmfao bingo. Mans are tagging me here like anything significant happened 😂, wasting my time.

Kizaru a speed based fighter just tanked Luffy's strongest attack outside BG, and that's supposed to be some game changing detail.

The fight was just a warmup and Kizaru might have established only G5 can fight him. That's just in warmup state.

So far Kizaru seems like a better fighter than Kaidou, simply off the fact that base and g2 Luffy could be relevant against Kaidou but G4 seemed irrelevant so far. But I think that's only because Kaidou could afford to eat a lot more attacks, being a tank build, so he suffered from that.

I think eventually Luffy may start to solve Kizaru as well and then Kaidou might look decent in retrospect.

I understand the frustration from a lot of Yonkou fans because they did not expect this in the least, most thought G5 would be too overwhelming and G4 would be enough. Instead what they got was G4 being treated very badly, and then G5 gassing out just trying to keep up with an unfocused Kizaru. The implications behind that scare a lot of people that's all. We all know what's coming.
Fuck Kaido just looking more and more impressive look at amount plot armor it took to beat this man loll .

If not for luffy VP would be dead what ever doubt he had he still near kill the man 3 time.
Fuck luffy had to eat a beam to save VP or we saying Kizaru knew that luffy would jump in front the beam come on.
He literally was right in front of him and was talking for no reason
I don't think Lee's being serious here.
But damn... i didn't expect this type of reaction from Kizaru lol.

Kaidou is just unsurpassed in terms of "tanking" damage. A machine lol, how many people did it take to put him down for good.

The difference is worlds apart.
Practically everyone relevant in Wano landed a hit against Kaido at some point, he endured over 30 ACoC attacks alone lol, insane how far apart their endurance/durability is
Luffy on time limit wouldve bodied Kaido too as he did in wano

In fact Luffy was in 10xs worse condition and still put kaidou to the floor
G5 has no time limit. Luffy forced himself when he turned old against Kaidou. And even after defeating Kaidou and losing consciousness he didn't turn old. So it is pretty inconsistent and Oda being master of retcon introduced turning old or losing stamina so called 'drawback' when G5 nature is exact opposite.
Once Saturn or something else alleviates Kizaru's of his "burden" and allows him to fight Luffy seriously, then he will. The whole point is that it took Luffy 4 chapters to land 1 clean hit on Kizaru. Can he do it again if Kizaru is fully focused on him?
It's easier, no?
The fact that it cost a lot for Luffy to hit Kizaru is because Kizaru kept running away from Luffy because of his mission.
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