I honestly, if I were a fan of Kizaru, would abandon this manga with all my might. Waiting around 10 years to see him suffer a K.O. from a Yonkou is the scariest thing of all, what a cruel joke.
@comrade @Erkan12 @Hanzo hattori
Now imagine, instead of trolling, Luffy would've stacked his advanced Hakis, like he did with Kaido when fighting him for hours.
We know that: G4 + adv. Haki > Roc Luffy with adv. Haki > Roc Luffy with internal destruction (no ACoC) > G4 prior to advanced Haki. Kaido was fighting Roc Luffy who had sky splitting CoC, then fought Snakeman, then fought boundman and then fought Nika.
Against Kizaru, Luffy started to use the version of Snakeman which he used against Katakuri, then went immediately into G5 goofing around, throwing Kizaru and eating his beams, only to remember he can use adv. Haki once G5 was running out, ending up with him one shotting the admiral.