Who will be the next SH?

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@Logiko Don't take it too personally C4N, this is all for shit and giggle i mean it's a internet forum about a manga for kids
Don't worry, you guys are funny :milaugh:

Call me logiko tho

How could he? He is a mere mortal, only superhuman people who have the sharingan like C4N can read the subtext.

Tell me how you interpret his comment from chapter 1062 “So we’re meant to kill the single most useful man in the world. I wonder if this has something to do with the recent Lulusia incident…”
For me this comment is an agreement with the mission.

How do you come to the conclusion that my statement is wrong? It cannot be proven wrong, because there is no evidence that he is not working secretly for the SHPs
If I remember correctly your statement is that he was working secretly as an ally. There is nothing that proves that, so this is wrong until we have an element that proves that it is riight.

You say that without giving me the specific proof from the manga, which supports your theory (with chapter number and [if given] quote). I want you to disprove the point I made here, in a way that I understand, on what chapter/panel/comment your statement is based on.
Same thing. You gave an affirmation without proof. So I can disprove it without proof also.