Passive - Players targetting me will have their next dice roll rigged to roll a 1-4
Tracker - Each night, you pick a player to follow, you will learn who that player targeted that night.
Final Form - locked
Anyways, let's wait for Naomi to arrive. I am sure the game is big enough for two trackers. Although I have some doubts about Flower's claim. I did see them vote Ultra late. Were they jumping back on? or just reiterating their vote
He will see post game. I have confidence you will flip scum actually.
Dude, I am not interested in full claiming. I want to keep my role a secret.
I don't have to full claim anything. I was scum reading naomi, but now I am more willing to go along with what others say since my Naomi thing was a wiff. I sort of stopped looking at her reaction cause I was focused on defending myself.
My role had a hidden modifier (that I wasn't aware of) which has given me two more shots. So no I didn't shoot last might because I only gained these extra shots at the end of it.
Like guys, you need to be able to read posts in full to have a discussion. If you won't do that then we cannot converse on any level because you're going to be missing out details that I've given. I can't read it for you.
My role had a hidden modifier (that I wasn't aware of) which has given me two more shots. So no I didn't shoot last might because I only gained these extra shots at the end of it.
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