Who will be the Next Strawhat?

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Bla bla bla bla. I am right you are wrong. Blabla bla subversive affirmation bla Blabla bla carrot was meat to join bla bla bla.
She won’t join and never was meant to. She is back on Zou byyeeee
I'm just explaining why your points are wrong or not pertinent, that's all. And yes subversive affirmation are a thing, despite what the forum would want you to believe.

Carrot was obviously not meant to join. But was constructed like a strawhat, hence why her case is so special. This is the exception.
I'm just explaining why your points are wrong or not pertinent, that's all. And yes subversive affirmation are a thing, despite what the forum would want you to believe.

Carrot was obviously not meant to join. But was constructed like a strawhat, hence why her case is so special. This is the exception.
Subversions are a real think in story telling and no one is denying that. You try to make it sound like you came up with it and want us to treat you like a god for it. The point is Carrot was never constructed like a mugiwara and was never meant to join. It is only in your eyes that that is the case. Everybody else reads the story and sees it quit clearly that she was not meant to join.
Subversions are a real think in story telling and no one is denying that. You try to make it sound like you came up with it and want us to treat you like a god for it. The point is Carrot was never constructed like a mugiwara and was never meant to join. It is only in your eyes that that is the case. Everybody else reads the story and sees it quit clearly that she was not meant to join.
Two things.

First, yes subversion are indeed a thing in storytelling but the concept I'm analysing has never been (at least not in my knowledge) theorized. In short, noone took the time to analyse those small lines of dialogues in story and denote that it was a specific pattern with specific rules.

I do not want you to treat me like a god for that. Its just your insecurity talking. I'm just saying that I analysed and theorized something that in my knownledge, no one has done before. I can be wrong, but you would need to show me a place where this concept was theorized and better that my work. okay ?


Carrot was indeed build like a mugiwara, minus just a thing or two. Only ignorant will deny her place at the lookout post, her action in 888, her quirk and fighting skill, her journey, her need and desire etc.

Indeed, and its still relevant 3 years later. All you guys predicted the growth of the strawhat fleet after Wano and it was a fluck, I was right, you were wrong.
Two things.

First, yes subversion are indeed a thing in storytelling but the concept I'm analysing has never been (at least not in my knowledge) theorized. In short, noone took the time to analyse those small lines of dialogues in story and denote that it was a specific pattern with specific rules.

I do not want you to treat me like a god for that. Its just your insecurity talking. I'm just saying that I analysed and theorized something that in my knownledge, no one has done before. I can be wrong, but you would need to show me a place where this concept was theorized and better that my work. okay ?


Carrot was indeed build like a mugiwara, minus just a thing or two. Only ignorant will deny her place at the lookout post, her action in 888, her quirk and fighting skill, her journey, her need and desire etc.

Indeed, and its still relevant 3 years later. All you guys predicted the growth of the strawhat fleet after Wano and it was a fluck, I was right, you were wrong.
Many things.

You are right, everyone is wrong in varying decrees.
  1. Those who are wrong because they don't follow the subversive affirmative patterned rules of storytelling
  2. Those who are wrong because they are sexist and hate seeing a adventourous young woman follow her dreams
  3. Those who are wrong because they are furries
  4. Those who are wrong because they are fans of Yamato, a sexist stereotipe of aggressive women representing the patriarchy
  5. Those who are wrong because they believe that Monkey D. Kizaru and Rocks D. Akainu, two representatives of fascist confusionnism, will join the grand fleet
I will treat you like a god for that. My insecurity is great for I am face to face with one of the most accomplished expert the fandom has ever seen.
I do not want you to treat me like a god for that. Its just your insecurity talking. I'm just saying that I analysed and theorized something that in my knownledge, no one has done before. I can be wrong, but you would need to show me a place where this concept was theorized and better that my work. okay ?
Listen I don’t need to prove you wrong. That’s your hole problem. You claim to know so much and be so good at story analyzing. You need to prove that you are right. By predicting correctly what will happen. Your track record is not looking good though. You predict Carrot would join. She did not. Now you try to defend yourself by saying your theory was correct but the result was not. That makes no sense.
While we predicted that Yamato would join. Yes, we were wrong too. But at least she got an invitation, which makes us marginally less wrong than you.
  1. Those who are wrong because they don't follow the subversive affirmative patterned rules of storytelling
  2. Those who are wrong because they are sexist and hate seeing a adventourous young woman follow her dreams
  3. Those who are wrong because they are furries
  4. Those who are wrong because they are fans of Yamato, a sexist stereotipe of aggressive women representing the patriarchy
  5. Those who are wrong because they believe that Monkey D. Kizaru and Rocks D. Akainu, two representatives of fascist confusionnism, will join the grand fleet
Well, a god ? That's an honor I guess.

You claim to know so much and be so good at story analyzing.
Dude xD
Only you guys I'm saying that I'm good at storytelling because you see me talking about storytelling all the time lmao but I'm not. I just have basic knowledge that I'm sharing that's all. I've a lot yet to learn.

You need to prove that you are right.
Already did.

You predict Carrot would join. She did not.
I analysed two things with Carrot. First I thought that she was indeed meant to join. Second i've observed that she was a special character despite being treated as a secondary protagonist. I was wrong on the first, but right on the second. Carrot is now Queen of Zou. At least for now.

Now you try to defend yourself by saying your theory was correct but the result was not.
No. My REASONNING was correct. My theory was not. Meaning that there are things in my theory that are worthy of looking at to predict another strawhat.

While we predicted that Yamato would join. Yes, we were wrong too. But at least she got an invitation, which makes us marginally less wrong than you.

He has the logic of a politician
Rather a scientist.
Well, a god ? That's an honor I guess.

Dude xD
Only you guys I'm saying that I'm good at storytelling because you see me talking about storytelling all the time lmao but I'm not. I just have basic knowledge that I'm sharing that's all. I've a lot yet to learn.

Already did.

I analysed two things with Carrot. First I thought that she was indeed meant to join. Second i've observed that she was a special character despite being treated as a secondary protagonist. I was wrong on the first, but right on the second. Carrot is now Queen of Zou. At least for now.

No. My REASONNING was correct. My theory was not. Meaning that there are things in my theory that are worthy of looking at to predict another strawhat.


Rather a scientist.
Thank you for sharing your basic scientific knowledge with us. Much appreciate
I analysed two things with Carrot. First I thought that she was indeed meant to join. Second i've observed that she was a special character despite being treated as a secondary protagonist. I was wrong on the first, but right on the second. Carrot is now Queen of Zou. At least for now.
nope just a side character that got dropped at the next best chance(wano)
No. My REASONNING was correct. My theory was not. Meaning that there are things in my theory that are worthy of looking at to predict another strawhat.
For once I agree with you. Your theory AND reasoning can be used as an example. An example how not to do it and how utterly wrong you can be.
Thank you for sharing your basic scientific knowledge with us. Much appreciate
This is not scientific. Its popperian reasonning.

nope just a side character that got dropped at the next best chance(wano)
Someone that ends up rulers is not special ? Sure..

For once I agree with you. Your theory AND reasoning can be used as an example. An example how not to do it and how utterly wrong you can be.
You still haven't been able to debunk my point only Sigran managed to do it and only with very few of them.
Carrot got exactly what she needed to continue her adventure with the SH in Wano. All it takes is a minimal understanding of the story and unbiased perspective to see it. Here I explain why

Carrot inherited Pedro's will. Pedro wanted to join the king of pirates and help him bring dawn to the world. Roger told him he's on the waiting list and he'll be back for him when he's a little bit older. Who is the new Roger? Who is the new Pedro?

Losing to Perospero is the exact reason for which I think she'll join the crew.
She was too weak to stop Perospero, the man who was responsible for her mentors death, and had to have the Current Ruler of Zou take care of him for her. So why would it make sense for her to willingly take a position she knows she can't live up to in comparison to the previous leaders?
Perospero tells her to go back to zou and at the same time she remembers Pedro's words telling her to go forward

During Chapter 1056, Neko had told Carrot she was dependable due to her adventures with Luffy and the others. This is Oda confirming Carrot had shown growth in her adventures with Luffy, but having her lose to Perospero in order to show she needs to grow. She knows she isn't strong enough yet hence her being completely against the Idea.

Oda then decides to confirm her taking Pedro's will.
Which on top of him wanting her to grow into a strong warrior at any cost, it was to travel with the pirate king and achieve the dawn of the new world. Pedro says to her the same words Roger said to him when he was young

Oda needed a reason to tell you why carrot was special, and give her a reason to join the crew. That happened in chapter 1056, with him confirming having taken Pedro's will, confirming she grew stronger with Luffy, but having her lose to Perospero in order to show she needs to grow. It's literally the perfect strawhat storyline.

Now for those of you who are fond of patterns, we will base ourselves on the only pattern that Oda has confirmed for the crew creation, which is the roles

Oda showed us at WCI that no matter how powerful your crew is, your at disadvantage without 3 keys members: a navigator, a helmsman and a lookout.
Nami, Jinbe and Carrot were able to dodge a tsunami and escape BM’s fleet on their own territory. The 3 built for these keys roles were able to out wit a fleet at sea.

Now lets look at chapter 1061 where the crew is completely ambushed and dismantled underwater by a metal shark 😬

However, Oda still shows us that they needed Bonney, Who find herself in the air acting as a lookout and warn the crew of the danger but it was to late

Oda show that they needed Bonney, who act luckily as a lookout to realize the danger => this demonstrates a need for the crew.

In the same chapter and at the same moment where Oda show us the need for a lookout he give us a reference to this position and to Carrot with the rabbit barrel propeller. Barrelman = lookout

Oda is just building the situation, showing that she needs to join to fulfill herself and that the SH need her to become the Pirates King crew. I assure you we are reading the same story.
