Is it really so difficult to understand the situation with Enma? Ok. By points.1) Enma takes more haki than necessary (no more than a swordsman modet) namely more than tedious. 2) Zoro on the roof was not yet able and was afraid to give a lot of haki to swords, so at the moment of impact he allowed Enma to pull haki (note that when enma pulls haki, the color of acoa is violet and the haze appears ONLY on enma and no acoc lightning bolts). 3) In the battle with King, enma began her trial for Zoro, since he was still afraid to die if he stopped restraining haki. 4) Zoro, realizing that he wanted the blade on his OWN, gave a lot of acoa (note when enma pulled, the color of haki is violet and smoke is only on one sword) when Zoro INDEPENDENTLY began to pour haki the color of acoa turned green and haki smoke on all swords is the same. 5) Since the anime expanded the fight a little, we see that when Zoro lost control, enma again began to pull
haki HERSELF and Zoro's hand dried up again.
haki HERSELF and Zoro's hand dried up again.