It's common sense, Luffy tried more against Lucci than he did against Seraphims..
Zoro's not going to say he's in KoH form, he only say it in named attacks.. The Green Smoke is literally Enma's soul, in
Enma's mode, in KoH mode.. You just don't want to break your ideal wank powerscaling of where you think Zoro is at..
So much Zoro cope..
It's a buff when it's mastered.. None of the Scabbards got CoC, so they can't Master Enma and KoH..
Calling out Zoro fans non sense..
Best Observation feat is Future Sight..
Zoro's not going to say he's in KoH form, he only say it in named attacks.. The Green Smoke is literally Enma's soul, in
Enma's mode, in KoH mode.. You just don't want to break your ideal wank powerscaling of where you think Zoro is at..
So much Zoro cope..
It's a buff when it's mastered.. None of the Scabbards got CoC, so they can't Master Enma and KoH..
Calling out Zoro fans non sense..
Best Observation feat is Future Sight..
No one did.
Yes he is. Because he only says koh when he uses it.