Scientists: Sh*t, we missed something, we need to create more precise and more inclusive definitions in our langage system. Let's propose some stuff !
Woke: Sh*t, scientist are saying that we should be more precise and inclusive in our definitions, lets help them !
Some states: Sh*t, scientist and a majority of experts are agreeing that we should be more inclusive, let's see what we can do !
Rightist: Sh*t, look at all that change, they are not following proper science, let's get angry !
Rightist: Sh*t, look at our voter, they are angry, we can't accept woke BS, let's stop them !
Minorities: Sh*t, we are being targeted, we can't ac cept that, let's manifest !
Media: Sh*t, we have a scoop, let's listen to what rightist have to say !
Rightist: Sh*t, we need to legitimize our position against Woke BS, let's call the scientist for help !
Scientist: We need to be more precise and inclusive in our definitions.
Rightist: Sh*t.