Powers & Abilities Kid losing to Shanks is an integral part of his growth as a conqueror

What reason is there for kid to remain in the story? And what need is he for the final war?
Oda set them up all three in wano for a reason. Ofc there are going to be as strong or as important as luffy but they survived for a reason.
In the final war just the 5 gorosei are enough for kid to come back.
Zoro and sanji are a given, i can't see jinbe getting one so who else?
Even if Saturn is defeated here which i doubt it there still 4 and they will fall as a group while luffy fight's IM imo.
Now imagine grown up seraphims, admirals, god's knights and who knows what else.
Luffy's fleet is nice and all but the most i can see is the 2-3 strongest fight high tiers and that's all.
Luffy needs heavy guns and his crew and the rest of the fleet will fight against pacifista and VA's.


✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
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Will come back when Kid hater's gang will be proven wrong once again:myman:

''B-but he lost to kaido, he will be irrelevant in Wano''

''His arc opponent will be Apoo''

''He will face a tobiroppo after the rooftop fight''

''There was no foreshadowing in Sabaody'':shocking:

I don't hate kid I just think his time in the story is over and there's currently no reason to write him back in until something is revealed that gives a solid reason for him coming back

Much like Enel until I'm given a good reason for them to come back I highly doubt they will
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Oda set them up all three in wano for a reason. Ofc there are going to be as strong or as important as luffy but they survived for a reason.
In the final war just the 5 gorosei are enough for kid to come back.
Zoro and sanji are a given, i can't see jinbe getting one so who else?
Even if Saturn is defeated here which i doubt it there still 4 and they will fall as a group while luffy fight's IM imo.
Now imagine grown up seraphims, admirals, god's knights and who knows what else.
Luffy's fleet is nice and all but the most i can see is the 2-3 strongest fight high tiers and that's all.
Luffy needs heavy guns and his crew and the rest of the fleet will fight against pacifista and VA's.
Unless they have accelerated aging the seraphim more than likely will be the age they are now

And seeing that they where shown to inherit the personalities of the warlords they where cloned from i personally speculate some of them will go against their programming and side with Luffy mainly boa seraphim

Also Luffy has enough man power and allies that are powerful a good chunk of them stronger than Kid

If Kids only purpose for coming back is to fight some random gorosei member then he needs to stay gone he'd just get in the way
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Will come back when Kid hater's gang will be proven wrong once again:myman:

''B-but he lost to kaido, he will be irrelevant in Wano''

''His arc opponent will be Apoo''

''He will face a tobiroppo after the rooftop fight''

''There was no foreshadowing in Sabaody'':shocking:
He was irrelevant till rooftop

Even worse apoo still bitch him in the end

Even worse he needed help to even win a fight

He dead
A lot of people legitimately cannot understand this, choosing instead to believe that Kid’s loss somehow means he’s dead or irrelevant.

Rather, his loss is set up for him to make a huge come back later on. Why?

Because losses and near death experiences are an integral part in the development of conquerors haki, a unique skill Kid has that sets him apart from most other supernova.

let’s look shall we?
  • By repeatedly facing Kaido and losing, Luffy’s gained ACoC and subsequently became a sky splitter
  • Yamato similarly gained ACoC by getting beaten by Kaido multiple times
  • Zoro awakened CoC by being pushed to near death, having broken all his bones and then faced Kaido.
So yeah, Kid losing doesn’t mean “it’s over” for him. It’s literally a necessary step for haki awakening. As Rayleigh said, you can’t train CoC, it needs to grow with you. As Shanks said, by experiencing victory and defeat, a man becomes a man.

“buh buh Chinjao”

Kid surpassed Chinjao over the timeskip when he took an even bigger L than chinjao ever did, losing his arm to Beckman. If he rebounded from that, he’ll surely rebound from this.
I do not have enough trust in Oda writing to believe this will happen. But to each one their own:kayneshrug:
He was irrelevant till rooftop

Even worse apoo still bitch him in the end

Even worse he needed help to even win a fight

He dead

Luffy lost 4 times against the same opponent, got saved by law and zoro in the same fight, had to be rescued from drowning + had a banquet mid fight, died and had to be resurrected for the same fight, all that despite having the best teacher for 2 years, best crew, the most broken fruit, a legendary bloodline, being joyboy and having main character plot armor. The irrelevant Kid with none of that ended up with the same bounty as him and Law whose fruit is worth 5 billions, ain't that something!?

Luffy lost 4 times against the same opponent, got saved by law and zoro in the same fight, had to be rescued from drowning + had a banquet mid fight, died and had to be resurrected for the same fight, all that despite having the best teacher for 2 years, best crew, the most broken fruit, a legendary bloodline, being joyboy and having main character plot armor. The irrelevant Kid with none of that ended up with the same bounty as him and Law whose fruit is worth 5 billions, ain't that something!?

Yea a cover up bounty whooooooooooooooooo 🎉 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 he dead
This wasn’t a fight to rebound from. This was as the narrator stated, an extermination. The kid pirates were destroyed the ship/the crew/the captain.

They’re gone
Maybe has a lackey he isn't coming back has a relative contender for the one piece
Kid was never a serious contender for one piece so nothing has changed there
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This wasn’t a fight to rebound from. This was as the narrator stated, an extermination. The kid pirates were destroyed the ship/the crew/the captain.

They’re gone
that’s just fake tension.

Kid was “destroyed” in the sense that the fight was one sided, unlike Law vs Blackbeard.

But we never saw what happened after the giants’ attack. There is no evidence Kid or Killer died

Luffy and BM both fell into the ocean in the early acts of wano and both washed up on shore.
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Mid never surpassed Chinjao
Drill Dragon Nail >>>
Kid lost a limb and kept on getting stronger

Chinjao gave up because his head wasn’t pointy
Kid was never a serious contender for one piece so nothing has changed there
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that’s just fake tension.

Kid was “destroyed” in the sense that the fight was one sided, unlike Law vs Blackbeard.

But we never saw what happened after the giants’ attack. There is no evidence Kid or Killer died

Luffy and BM both fell into the ocean in the early acts of wano and both washed up on shore.
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Kid lost a limb and kept on getting stronger

Chinjao gave up because his head wasn’t pointy
We saw exactly what happened after the giants attacked. The Victoria was destroyed miles off of Elbafs shore and Kid pirates sinking while Kid and Killer were unconscious (both of which can’t swim)
We saw exactly what happened after the giants attacked. The Victoria was destroyed miles off of Elbafs shore and Kid pirates sinking while Kid and Killer were unconscious (both of which can’t swim)
That means literally nothing

There’ve been “deaths” that were far less ambiguous that Oda retconned.

The fact is, Y’all are only saying Kid is dead because you hate the character and want him to be dead
That means literally nothing

There’ve been “deaths” that were far less ambiguous that Oda retconned.

The fact is, Y’all are only saying Kid is dead because you hate the character and want him to be dead
And because oda showed us Law escaping and surviving but not Kid cause Law has a continued role to play whereas Kid returning to the Manga merely to become Luffys cheerleader and watching Luffy accomplish Kids dream is the greatest possible example of character assassination.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Elbaf is a training arc for Kid. Once the Giants find out he helped defeat Big Mom, Kid will be welcomed.

The Giants LOVE fighting, and so does Kid, so, Kid and Killer will get stronger by brawling with their new Giant buddies.

It's a fun twist, just wish it came with 75% less Shanks' Wank.
Elbaf is a training arc for Kid. Once the Giants find out he helped defeat Big Mom, Kid will be welcomed.

The Giants LOVE fighting, and so does Kid, so, Kid and Killer will get stronger by brawling with their new Giant buddies.

It's a fun twist, just wish it came with 75% less Shanks' Wank.
No way will Kid be welcomed after he came to Elbaf and immediately pointed a gun to it.

Elbafs heroes were the ones who defeated Kid and his crew. They won’t switch up
Kid copium. Kid has been Divine Departured out of relevance. His as a good as dead. Wano was his final high before he is removed from the story. Both him and Law were used to hype Luffy's true pirate rivals; Shanks and Blackbeard. Law, being a D. maybe get some more screen time later, but Kid is 100% done. At best Kid fans can hope to see him in cover art, or maybe a single panel of him looking at the newspaper when Luffy is announced the Pirate King, or something of the sort.
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Elbaf is a training arc for Kid. Once the Giants find out he helped defeat Big Mom, Kid will be welcomed.

The Giants LOVE fighting, and so does Kid, so, Kid and Killer will get stronger by brawling with their new Giant buddies.

It's a fun twist, just wish it came with 75% less Shanks' Wank.
Kidtards thinking the fodder is the MC getting his own "training arcs". Lmfaooooo