Chapter Discussion nik87 is probably right




Saturn says that there is no need to haste since they are trapped. And that goes even for Kizaru that took longer than expected. Pretty much meaning that Kizaru will have time to get back into fight.

But who is really trapped?

Notice how Saturn summons himself in the middle of Egghead. Look at the magic circle with CoC lightning trails and Fire coming out of it. Where did we saw that before?

That's right from King of Hell himself!

Let's take a look on some of King of Hell attacks

He can fully control the activation of his CoC trails and Flames.

Now let's compare with Saturn attacks

He either gives you a weird look or uses something very suspicious to penetrates you. But in both situations we can't see CoC trails or Flames. He only used it to teleport/summon himself. Pretty much meaning he has no control of this abilities.

Given how his form gives him Yokai vibes. He is pretty much the representation of a demon. And we know that demon's home is hell. And as remembered before Zoro is King of Hell.

Now that the situation escalated Zoro is gonna pull his serious mode as always(bandana head) and one-shot Lucci as always(Apoo) and then kill Saturn teaching him how to proper use CoC trails and Flames together.

Meanwhile Kizaru will have his time to get back and fight Zoro.



Can also be seen with Yamato back then. Regardless whether people like her or not, she is a blatant (and massive) fake hype.
Yamato shit makes no fucking sense. Just like whole Wano.

Momonosuke not opening the borders makes no fucking sense (imagining he knows how to do it because of Oden's journal offscreen material).

Wano people still hating Orochi's family clan makes no fucking sense for someone who is being hyped to be the best Shogun of Wano in the near future.