If we're talking about villains that Toei love, Linlin is near the top of the list. The glow-up she got in the anime is CRAZY.
"Doesn't even tickle" and negs G4:
Made her look superior in the little we saw on Kaido vs. BM:
Look at the size and reach of that fucking Ikkoku beam:
That Tenjin animation was some of the best stuff on Rooftop:
Tank Mom and "doesn't matter if you come all at once":
Made her fall a much greater combination effort with Zoro having to destroy her footing:
ACoC punch that shook the whole island and reached the ocean:
Beautiful animated Maser Cannon:
They made her faster than Marco the man who speed intercepted the Admiral with the Light-light fruit.

They also gave her fun filler scenes with SHs where she's playing war tanks and fighters lmfao: