In this game the players, in form of the Expedition Town, will traverse this island in order to find and defeat the Tensen Mafia and secure the Elixir of Life. Every player will have an Expedition Meter, that will automatically charge up with every day start via a dice roll of a ten-faced die.
You will roll a number between 1-10 and that will be the steps you will be traversing on your Expedition Meter. Once you reach 20 steps, you will reach the Hourai and unlock your Tao Form. For every further 10 steps, every role will receive certain buffs that depend on your role.
There might be certain effects that will allow players to only roll high numbers, in order to ensure a safe travel to the Hourai. These type of effects do not stack with each other.
Vanilla's Tao Form contains the option to learn one ability from a pool of five random selectable abilities.
They will toss those abilities upon demise if not used until then. Other roles will receive a one-shot Take with every 10 steps in their Expedition Meter after reaching Hourai (20 Steps). So yes, this game contains Vanillas and Toss & Take mechanics.