Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1096 Spoilers Discussion

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@Lance_Dragonite you are not a god you are not the creator of one piece you don’t decide which chapter is hype for the readers that you make them wait for the raws because you think it’s a good chapter. I’m no longer supporting you after this week and I always been on your side.you just lost a fan with these weird shit your pulling.
That's exactly what bothers me about this. Why do we have to deal with a provider that makes that decision for you? If he really thinks we would enjoy the chapter better without spoilers then he could just present it as a suggestion instead of treating us like toddlers and deciding for us.
Like I said he's acting like he's our parent. We can't have dessert because it'll spoil our appetite.
If Ledon actually cared and respected the community he'd engage and communicate with us. Instead we have to deal with him in the sort of way one deals with a conceited landlord that refuses to communicate with you directly and chooses to bill you via post mail instead of using electronic banking.
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