Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1096 Spoilers Discussion

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Their job doesn’t stop being their job because some vice admiral can also do it. In sabaody they say an admiral is sent to the island NO MATTER WHAT… If for example of the the CD slaves manages to get the collar off and attacks a CD, THEY SEND THE ADMIRAL… it doesn’t matter that maybe like a Vice admiral like Momonga can probably beat a random runaway slave. It doesn’t matter. An admiral gets sent the moment a CD is in danger

Oda just has to say the admirals are too far away and the marines found out about the attack way too late to find anyone but Garp around to deal with it.

otherwise there is no justification for not having the admirals do their damn job
The sent a admiral when CD get hit not when they in danger unless i remember that part wrong which possible .
Plus if the CD wanted the admirals around they would have been they even before anything happen .
Also Jinny better get a backstory explaining why this like 8 year old slave girl managed to get a transponder snail and knows how to send messages in pirate networks

this is INCREDIBLY convenient for a fucking slave to accomplish.

in fact since the Celestial dragons are completely unaware of the pirates attack, it’s likely that the this information that Jinny sent FAILED TO REACH THE MARINES for TWO WHOLE WEEKS

So not only is this 8 year old slave able to find transponder snails, she’s also able to send messages that somehow only reach pirates and not the marines… Oda, this needs explaining.
No it doesn’t. It’s simple, but you overthink it. Jinny is good at stealing so she stole one of the den den moshi’s and sent a message to pirates which got picked up by two big names. The marines don’t always stay on the radar to eavesdrop on calls. This is obviously done for the convenience of the plot so just relax and don’t overthink every single detail.
That make fujtoria like nika.

Man help revolutary people to free the slaves in front of celestial dragons and holy knights , and Greenbull. And get away without punishment.
Fuji will also be a follower of Nika
99% of the Pirates are scum and the abolishment of the Warlord’s was Fujitora's main goal. He did a great service to mankind and is also opposing the CD's
This is why he’s the goat
Fuji will also be a follower of Nika
99% of the Pirates are scum and the abolishment of the Warlord’s was Fujitora's main goal. He did a great service to mankind and is also opposing the CD's
This is why he’s the goat
He is a great fit to be a revolutionary tbh, but Oda just want him to restructure the navy post final war. He is definitely gonna be the new fleet admiral eos.
Fuji will also be a follower of Nika
99% of the Pirates are scum and the abolishment of the Warlord’s was Fujitora's main goal. He did a great service to mankind and is also opposing the CD's
This is why he’s the goat
He did great by getting rid of the warlords system but now they using clones of the warlords as children that they can control .
When he said believe in the SSG i for sure did not see that coming .
WG make everything you do good and find some way twist it .

Their job doesn’t stop being their job because some vice admiral can also do it. In sabaody they say an admiral is sent to the island NO MATTER WHAT… If for example of the the CD slaves manages to get the collar off and attacks a CD, THEY SEND THE ADMIRAL… it doesn’t matter that maybe like a Vice admiral like Momonga can probably beat a random runaway slave. It doesn’t matter. An admiral gets sent the moment a CD is in danger

Oda just has to say the admirals are too far away and the marines found out about the attack way too late to find anyone but Garp around to deal with it.

otherwise there is no justification for not having the admirals do their damn job
That "job" Is of the Admirals not because Admiral is a magic word: is for them because as a general state of things admirals are by far the strongest marine around and so the most useful in defending a CD.
There is not anything complex behind it.

In this case they had fucking Garp, someone who was as strong as an Admiral, with a personal rivalry with Roger and was likely closer, so, as anyone would do, Kong sent him.
Additional info by TalkOP
Roger has no mustache and captain's hat, and Kaido wears patterned trousers and also has no mustache. Bakkins has more expressions than clone Stussi, she sits on the shoulders of whitebeard. Gloriosa is a normal hot lady, dressed almost like the Hancook, and she quarrels with Bakkins. It is suspected that Wang Zhi's face is a bit like Kaido's. Shiki, the golden lion, is similar to the Kurozumi transformation before, with more facial hair.
So nothing about the short chapter where Roger found Shanks is canon then.

That explains how the island was still standing while they left.
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