And honestly idk if this means luffy still cant defeat commander by himself or if the flying 6 are closer to the commanders than we thought, maybe the gap between veterans and commanders is minimal.
Probably he have something which is better then G4, a new trumpcard? Or he can now use G4 far longer? This will be interesting to see, but the last thing, I think you are right. The Gap between Vet/Commander don't seems to beeing larger,more minimal.
in order for you to claim that ulti did beter vs luffy than Daifuku WOULD do, Daifuku has to Either fight Luffy 1v1 or fight a character Equal to or STRONGER than luffy. Neither of which he has done WTF do I care about a fight between daifuku and someone as weak as Yonji? stop with the headcannon and hypotheticals. stick with facts
That isn't how scaling working, we don't need a battle of Luffy vs Jack to say that he isn't equal to Cracker. YC and Vets of the two Yonkou play almost in same league. And I already make you a simple scaling with Yonji could match easily off Daifuku. We don't need a 1on1 fight with Daifuku vs Luffy because we already have other simple points.
Daifuku huge Genie get blocked by Base Sanji while RS get throw easily by Pageone. If we use scaling, Pageone perform better.
Or other simple point,Nami get easily negged by Smoothie, weaker then Kata who is Luffy lvl, the same Luffy who need G4 in the new chapter.
We don't even need the Daifuku compare, Nami who get negged by Smoothie are enough to say that she aren't any threat for such characters, Luffy would do even worse to Nami as Smoothie did.
Nami lack in reactionspeed, she didn't have even any haki form; she pyhsical weak and only just have her power with Zeus together, she lacks in the manythings.
In compare we have Ulti who force Luffy to use G4. That is enough, or do you want to say me that Nami or Robin could force Luffy to use G2/G3 or even G4?
Why are you talking about katakuri and doffy stay on point.
again...prove how DAIFUKU does worse vs luffy than Ulti.
Because Kata,Cracker and Doffy are the only character expect the Yonkous who force Luffy to use G4. Before no one could do that, even Don Chinjao couldn't do that, literally no one even Ceaser who is above Nami and co. Yet Ulti do it and force Luffy use G4 which is a insane good feat.
As I ask you before, could Nami perform a similar feat against Luffy?
she still WON the fight the. that's literally how Nami fights. and no...ulti is not tanking an attack from zeus...big moms(yonkou)weapon
It is different when someone as Nami use zeus or when Big mom use it, I hope you see the different. Nami had the power of zeus large weather against Galetta too, do it help her to take out Galetta? Did it help her against Amande? No, she was simple caught off by these characters.
*ulti't stronger than diamonte, stop...
*ike I said both Nami and RobinFIGHT DIFFERENTLY than Ulti. Robin can Easily pin down luffy for a couple of seconds like ulti did with her power.
*I'm sorry but youre delusional id=f you think ULTI can match xDrake,Doflamingo,Inuarashi,Ashura.
Neither Robin and Nami have the feats for matching Luffy, Nami fucking struggel against far weaker opponents, stop it you sound like a fanboy. Nami and Robin ending like Smoker who use Tashigi body and get trashed by Luffy casually with G2. That huge is the different between these characters.
What funny about Ulti beeing stronger then Diamante? Diamante would get rekt hard by current Luffy, he couldn't even dream to force Luffy to G4.
Ulti is in same ballpark as xDrake, she force fucking Luffy to use G4, she overbreak his CoA with her own CoA. She play of course in that league, you are simple a Nami fanboy and a Ulti hater if you think that Ulti don't play in same league as xDrake and co. She already have better physical and haki feat then Doffy, what has Nami and Robin?
Imagine thinking Nami or Robin could force Luffy to use G3/G4...