Powers & Abilities What does it take to stop the Zoro has no acoc delusion?


KoH is the stable form reached when Enma is fed CoC.. It reaches a Harmonized state splitting the purple smoke into green smoke and Black Lightning stable flow..

Zoro can't use Enma fully without CoC, meaning it's a special Blade with powers.. Why is it so hard to accept that Meitos in One Piece have powers when we see that Weapons can literally eat Zoan devil fruits..

Yet you come up with the non sense that Color Lightning is just for visual effects..

How do you differentiate CoA Lightning and AdCoC lightning?.. The Color..
so meitos have powers because they can eat devil fruits?That means that people and guns have powers before they eat devil fruits , this absolute genius
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Why is it so hard to accept that Meitos in One Piece have powers when we see that Weapons can literally eat Zoan devil fruits..
Only weapon with DF.
And Vegapunk did it somehow. Lol.
Only Zoan can be utilised this way and Zoan is very different from Logia and Paramacia.
Zoan Awakening has Chances of completely been taken over by the devil. Zoan fruit is a devil/soul in itself. They choose what they wanna be.
Only weapon with DF.
And Vegapunk did it somehow. Lol.
Only Zoan can be utilised this way and Zoan is very different from Logia and Paramacia.
Zoan Awakening has Chances of completely been taken over by the devil. Zoan fruit is a devil/soul in itself. They choose what they wanna be.
I don't want no excuses.. The fact is Special Swords in One Piece have powers.. And a weapon can freaking eat a Devil Fruit..
KoH is the stable form reached when Enma is fed CoC.. It reaches a Harmonized state splitting the purple smoke into green smoke and Black Lightning stable flow..

Zoro can't use Enma fully without CoC, meaning it's a special Blade with powers.. Why is it so hard to accept that Meitos in One Piece have powers when we see that Weapons can literally eat Zoan devil fruits..

Yet you come up with the non sense that Color Lightning is just for visual effects..

How do you differentiate CoA Lightning and AdCoC lightning?.. The Color..
This is a perfect example of rootbeer Two Piece headcannon. I'm still waiting on rootbeer to post a scene where a character tells us ACoC is red.


it was confirmed by Kaido so who cares, subconsciously he did it so he has it.
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the funniest part is if Zoro doesn't have it, then thats embarrassing for the haters as it just goes to show how much further Zoro will grow and be stronger if/when he unlocks it hahahaa
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girl math..
How convenient for you that you deny colored lightning visual effects.. Man up and accept the Black and Red colors at least..

How about you just provide a scene where a character explains to us the color of ACoC? So far you have failed to provide it.

Several of us have provided scenes showing character who doesn't possess CoC/ACoC release red lightning. We have provided scenes showing ACoC in different colors other than red. Your red lightning argument doesn't work.
What does it take? I know Rootbeer and some sanji fans like to think that zoro has no acoc only to downplay him. The only guy who thinks genuinely that zoro has no acoc is rootbeer. You can tell by his effort to prove a point that cannot be proven since manga doesn’t agree with his delusions.

My question is if he ever will accept zoro to have ACoC even when manga proves this man wrong. I am not talking about sanji fans who agree to this mans delusions since it only fits their agenda to make zoro close to sanji. The eternal wings cope if you want.

Now Rootbeer you gotta answer us some Questions. Here we go:

1. Where did you gasp the idea that swordsmen cannot have advanced conquerors? Was it somewhere stated in the manga? Or did Oda state it in a sbs or something?

2. What are the sharp objects that roger and shanks hold when they fight? Carrots? Eggplants? Dildos? I cannot seem to know what these ACoC users are using in their hands to combat

3. Where did you get the idea that ACoC is no touch or red lightning? Was it stated in the manga or by oda? Did he specifically say that conquerors coating needs to be both or either of these? Or did you just pull that shit through a prophecy or some kind of spiritual vision you had when you were on ketamine?

4. If conquerors coating is truly no touching only why was it drawn by oda himself so many times touching? Are you going to cope and say that oda cornered himself when he introduced conquerors coating? How do you know that? Did you meet him and asked him about that topic directly or where do you get this cope mechanism from?

5. Why is conquerors coating always being illustrated as thick lighting trails that follow a weapon or a brawlers fist? Why does this apply to everyone but not zoro when he literally has the same thing as them?

6. Can you prove your points by either the manga or odas words through sbs? If you are using some manga panels and having hallucinations doesn’t mean its canon. Someone who is delusional and experiences visual distortion cannot gasp the reality without treatment. For example I see black lightning trails therefore its conquerors coating. You see black lightning on zoro and call it CoA but black lightning on other characters is somehow conquerors coating. Maybe you also see zoro as a clown and mistake him for buggy we never know.

7. Does anything you claim support manga canon or did oda say anything remotely close to your claims? The only thing I see is you fantasize and hallucinate about things that are clearly not meant the way you are claiming it.

I know you are going to read this. Have balls and answer these questions and stop ignoring me.
Zoro has conquerors for sure. Advanced is just a version where user is in full control of it is able to channel it the way they want. So far, we have not seen much from Zoro to indicate that he has that level of control. He needs enma to launch coc attack. From what we have seen so far, he can not do it just with it other two swords. Will he get it in future, or will it be confirmed that he has acoc? For sure! he is supposed to become world’s strongest swordsman after all. But has it been shown in the canon so far. I think not.
How about you just provide a scene where a character explains to us the color of ACoC? So far you have failed to provide it.

Several of us have provided scenes showing character who doesn't possess CoC/ACoC release red lightning. We have provided scenes showing ACoC in different colors other than red. Your red lightning argument doesn't work.
I don't need to, it's self evident.. Sky Splitting, No touching, Red Lightning..

Those are partially Red.. And it's the same as i mentioned for the Black Red Lightning.. Red is the color to overwhelm your opponent, it doesn't have to necessarily be CoC or AdCoC..

4 Scabbards produced more and thicker lightning than 10 of them combined against Kaido.. Make the connection..

I don't need to, it's self evident.. Sky Splitting, No touching, Red Lightning..

Those are partially Red.. And it's the same as i mentioned for the Black Red Lightning.. Red is the color to overwhelm your opponent, it doesn't have to necessarily be CoC or AdCoC..

4 Scabbards produced more and thicker lightning than 10 of them combined against Kaido.. Make the connection..

Listen to yourself. You just said you don't have to provide facts supporting your claim. That's the problem.

When it comes to the color red you keep changing ut when it doesn't fit your argument. You claim certain red is ACoC and others are not. You're even arguing over the different shades of red. That's all desperate you are.
Listen to yourself. You just said you don't have to provide facts supporting your claim. That's the problem.

When it comes to the color red you keep changing ut when it doesn't fit your argument. You claim certain red is ACoC and others are not. You're even arguing over the different shades of red. That's all desperate you are.
Proof induced by deductive reasoning..

I'm not changing, i'm saying Red is the color that is associated to '' Overwhelm ''.. There's only partial Red when it's not AdCoC and fully Red when it is..

Here another AdCoC Red Lightning scene.. Sky splitting, Red Lightning..

What that doesn't making sense that no one was knowing Zoro having a King haki till onigashima after kaido Sense that he has and Zoro saying what the hell you are saying like "he said to kid" and "Blackbeard to Luffy in impel down". And after Zoro goes down from the roof top doesn't knowing that he has king haki to start using advance king haki directly to beat king that doesn't have any advance kind of haki??????
Zoro has conquerors for sure. Advanced is just a version where user is in full control of it is able to channel it the way they want. So far, we have not seen much from Zoro to indicate that he has that level of control. He needs enma to launch coc attack. From what we have seen so far, he can not do it just with it other two swords. Will he get it in future, or will it be confirmed that he has acoc? For sure! he is supposed to become world’s strongest swordsman after all. But has it been shown in the canon so far. I think not.
He used adv Coc with just the kietsu in his fight with king