Current Events “The Admirals are Celestial Dragon Dogs!”-Say Fans of Garp and Roger

Proof, supporting evidence, what ever.
At the end of the day you're still using a non canon figurine while ignoring the anime because it doesn't fit your agenda.
Everything besides the manga is non-canon, yet you and others are trying to use the anime for your own points too. To me, both sides are fighting a pointless battle until it’s confirmed either way.

I don’t get why y’all are so hung up on the black blade business, but nothing besides the manga or Oda himself would prove it either way. And even Oda makes mistakes or can change his mind.
I didn’t believe that it was a black blade and thought it was some kinda bokuto made with Aramaki’s powers. It is drawn as black in the manga, so I can see why people would believe it is so…and also why people like myself would doubt it as well. Ambiguous crap is something Oda is notorious for.

It makes no difference either way, so I think it’s pointless to get so stressed over it (unless you consider it important of course, then you do you).
You say nothing of interesting, that's why I ignore you. You are not worth discussing with.

You wish I'd pay attention to you and you keep crawling to me so I give you some of it.

You keep baiting me with silly nonsense. You do straw man (take stuff I say out of its context because it's easier to attack me on that than on the actual argument), say that I'm not what I pretend to be and the list is long, all in the same post! You think that you are worth discussing with?

Stop embarrassing yourself, stop trying, I simply don't want to talk you, I'm not running away.
What’s with the colour coordination? Isn’t that extra effort for no reason?

And it’s too late. You already admitted to running when you wouldn’t even read replies to your own comments & questions. I asked you a simple question and you’ve been running ever since.

You even tried to call others to help you like terabyte or RebelliousSoma, but they couldn’t do any better.
That’s what’s embarrassing…besides the fact that I predicted you will run again and you’re doing exactly that.

It’s simple: if you don’t want to get embarrassed, don’t tag me in obscure threads when you don’t even have the answer to my question. Feel free to do so when you actually figure it out and actually have something to offer. I’ll be that patient since you haven’t gone full troll mode (and hopefully won’t. We already have enough of those.)

And if you don’t want people to doubt claims about yourself, put in actual effort to answer as befitting your claimed status. A uni student should be able to look up “projection” if they don’t know the definition, then make a simple parody comment accordingly.
What’s with the colour coordination? Isn’t that extra effort for no reason?

And it’s too late. You already admitted to running when you wouldn’t even read replies to your own comments & questions. I asked you a simple question and you’ve been running ever since.

You even tried to call others to help you like terabyte or RebelliousSoma, but they couldn’t do any better.
That’s what’s embarrassing…besides the fact that I predicted you will run again and you’re doing exactly that.

It’s simple: if you don’t want to get embarrassed, don’t tag me in obscure threads when you don’t even have the answer to my question. Feel free to do so when you actually figure it out and actually have something to offer.

And if you don’t want people to doubt claims about yourself, put in actual effort to answer as befitting your claimed status. A uni student should be able to look up “projection” if they don’t know the definition, then make a simple parody comment accordingly.
I speedread your posts because I don't want to read them, answering to them is a waste of time and you just keep talking for nothing.

I quote other people because you are energy consuming and one of the most stubborn people over here, it's sad that it's for the wrong reasons and that everything you defend with stubborness will bite you in the ass like always.

See, I wasted a minute or two just to say literally NOTHING and then you wonder why I don't reply to you? You are wasting my time for nothing.

You just love arguing for nothing it seems.
Oda's really doing a bad job at making Garp not look like total shit morally

Like, I get he's an idiot..... But still....
Facts, let the pirates slaughter the Celestial Dragons
They didn't hurt the slaves from what we saw
Big Mom even fucked off despite Kuma eating the fruit

Garp and Roger came just to cockblock a justified assault by Rocks
There are only 2 black blades that we know of, and it is clearly tied to Haki. Forging a black blade is actually THE most unique Haki feat in the series and anyone who can do it would have monstrous Haki even by top tier standards.

I don't see how do they not matter.
That’s the thing though, the person with the most monstrous Haki (Roger) didn’t have one, so it’s never really mattered for overall power levels.

It is certainly a unique feat like you said, but to many it just doesn’t matter much because the only actual difference in practice is the colour.

That may change in the future and it may turn out that black blades do something particularly special…but at this point it simply makes no difference besides aesthetic. Especially since “having” one doesn’t even mean you necessarily made it yourself.
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I speedread your posts because I don't want to read them, answering to them is a waste of time and you just keep talking for nothing.

I quote other people because you are energy consuming and one of the most stubborn people over here, it's sad that it's for the wrong reasons and that everything you defend with stubborness will bite you in the ass like always.

See, I wasted a minute or two just to say literally NOTHING and then you wonder why I don't reply to you? You are wasting my time for nothing.

You just love arguing for nothing it seems.
Nah, you are just incapable of answering the simplest of things then start whining, crying and running to others.
Did you think I’d just let you of the hook when you make an empty claim and can’t back it up? Don’t be silly. You claim to be a science student so you should supposedly know how it works.

It’s my time that you’re wasting because I keep thinking that you may actually stop being a coward and answer. No such luck for the 7th time now. Yet you have the audacity to keep tagging me in threads pointlessly then run scared when I ask for an answer from who knows how long ago now. Gee…what a surprise…
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Here just to mention most pirates are evil schemers who hurt the common man, and Marie Jois is not interested in the publics general wellbeing. Marines are literally the only ones whose job it is to care for them, so Garp joined up thinking he was doing good.

It's clear Garp doesn't know about the game being played and showed up to dunk on Roger. Garp denied Admiral to avoid being under their thumb, but remained a Vice Admiral to continue to protect common people from Pirates (because the God Knights don't give a shit). Roger's there for his salty runback against Xebec, and will likely fight Saturn or a Gods Knight by the end of it.

But Garp not joining the Revolutionaries (or at the very least Sword) after God Valley is still so very fucked. Garp should have just become a bounty hunting pirate after seeing the genocides.
What is this Garp slanders came from? Him is in his Holiday and Long Avoided to Tell him the truth.

Him only knows that something was stoled from Rock's Pirates Beehive Island, and is with WG and knows that Roger shows UP to capture something(Beehive treasure).
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Garp already Said multiple times even on their face that CD's are a bunch of scum.
Does Aokiji having prime Garp level punches devalue Garp the fist?
No, because it is explicitly told to us that Garp is the one who trained Aokijis phsycial strength to that point as his mentor. A better comparison would be the guy with the King Punch being able to clash evenly with Garp the fist, which yes would devalue Garps epithet.

For swords people it'd be like King making a black blade.
No, because it is explicitly told to us that Garp is the one who trained Aokijis phsycial strength to that point as his mentor. A better comparison would be the guy with the King Punch being able to clash evenly with Garp the fist, which yes would devalue Garps epithet.

For swords people it'd be like King making a black blade.
"guy with the King Punch" is named Elizabello II btw
I took @Elder Lee Hung's request seriously and I went to look for anything that resembled a sword so he could at least get an example since I couldn't find another black sword (didn't take the time either).

Yet, your sassy ass who loves arguing over nothing decided to write down this completely useless post calling me dishonest, hypocrite... How dense are you? How do you deal with this in real life? Chill the fuck down.

Then you wonder why I don't reply to your posts, Jesus christ.
Again, you’re embarrassing yourself. I’m not the one using profanity, so you’re just projecting again. Don’t tell me you’ll eventually use slurs and get banned like Soma. All because you can’t even defend your own claims…pathetic.

And again, I don’t see an answer to my question, so why are you wasting my time? Don’t bother me until you’ve grown up and stopped running. Also when you’ve learned to either not make empty statements or figured out that you have to be able to defend what you say before mouthing off. Ridiculous.

Also (don’t know why I have to be your grade school teacher here): if you couldn’t find an example of a sword, then just admit that like a grown ass man. Don’t try to pretend that a whip or a pick axe is a sword, you’d only look silly.
That’s basic common sense.
You can concede a point (Lee is right about this specific case) without conceding an argument (doesn’t mean it’s a black blade).
Seriously pathetic
Again, you’re embarrassing yourself. I’m not the one using profanity, so you’re just projecting again.

And again, I don’t see an answer to my question, so why are you wasting my time? Don’t bother me until you’ve grown up and stopped running. Also when you’ve learned to either not make empty statements or figured out that you have to be able to defend what you say before mouthing off. Ridiculous.

Also (don’t know why I have to be your grade school teacher here): if you couldn’t find an example of a sword, then just admit that like a grown ass man. Don’t try to pretend that a whip or a pick axe is a sword, you’d only look silly.
That’s basic common sense.
You can concede a point (Lee is right about this specific case) without conceding an argument (doesn’t mean it’s a black blade).
Seriously pathetic
My honest reaction:

My honest reaction:

And there we go, running away for the 8th time now. I told you not to embarrass yourself yet you keep trying for some reason.

If you keep having me teach you things that any grade schooler should know, like whips aren’t swords…or if you make a claim you should be prepared to defend it, I’ll seriously start charging.
Look who's back for round nine of talking nonsense and craving for my attention.
Nope, that’s still you. Did you forget that your post calling a whip a sword is right above?
And you’re the one who has tagged me half a dozen times in random threads in a week.
You aren’t fooling anyone but yourself…and I guess Monster Zoro’s Tesla Supplier who’s salty about being called out as usual.