Powers & Abilities Black Blades headcanon


A black blade becomes a black blade when souls are forged into the weapon. But it can't just be any random souls from any random bandit, it's probably conditional like making a Death Scythe in Soul Eater. I also think the final step is that the swordsman himself has to die in battle and put part of themselves into the sword. Ryuma's sword is only black because he died in some epic way. Mihawk is either already dead somehow or Yoru is Rocks' old sword. Wado Ichimonji will turn black after Zoro dies at the very end and the sword gets taken back to Kuina's grave.
Ryuma died of sickness so this theory doesn’t work. Oda confirmed this in an SBS

Edit: Here's the comment from SBS Vol 47

D: Question for you!! Is the swordsman "Ryuma" who was once said to have defeated a dragon the very same Ryuma that starred in the short story "Monsters" from your collection volume entitled "Wanted!"? He is, isn't he? I'm so desperate to know, I can't brush my teeth. If I get a cavity, I'll tell the dentist it was your fault. P.N. Satoru-pyon

D: Greetings!! I cracked open "Wanted!" for the first time in ages and re-read "Romance Dawn", which prompted me to notice that Luffy's grandpa in that story was basically the same guy as Vice Admiral Garp! Does that mean that Garp was once the captain of a crew of pirates? P.N. Nao

O: Well, here are two questions about my old short story collection, "Wanted!" I'll tackle Ryuma's first. The zombie Ryuma appears in Chapter 450 from this volume, and he is indeed the Ryuma who starred in "Monsters". In the world of One Piece, he's now a legendary swordsman who died of sickness. I wouldn't have minded if this had just slipped through the cracks, but I was happy to see that so many people noticed. Next, Garp. He appeared as Luffy's grandpa, and a pirate no less, in the one-shot that served as the basis for One Piece. He might look the same, but I want you to see these as different stories. Grandpa Garp from THIS One Piece is a true blue Marine, from birth till death!!
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Ryuma died of sickness so this theory doesn’t work. Oda confirmed this in an SBS
Death is a sickness.. Genetics technology is working on stopping cells from decaying or just regrow your cell as a 20 years old with stem cells.. Death was always seen as something that can't be overcome, but not anymore..


Despite the final cope this is very intriguing and good theory I would say.

But I would go with the souls killed by the sword and got into it like the soul is pursuing the sword like a ghost pursues someone.

That's why the idea of cursed blade exists. The souls are pursuing the sword and making bad thing happen to it's wielders so the sword's will never get fullfilled.

Only when strong people, aka CoC users, like Zoro gets the sword the souls don't dare to do anything with the wielder.

Yet nothing explains Enma bullshit.
Yes Rootbeer, the advancement of human tech is riveting; but what does that have to do with black blades?
Dying of Sickness doesn't cancel his theory because Death is a Sickness..

Luffy will have the same problem, Chopper will cure his death cause he's been using too much of his Life Span.. It's comming..
Dying of Sickness doesn't cancel his theory because Death is a Sickness..

Luffy will have the same problem, Chopper will cure his death cause he's been using too much of his Life Span.. It's comming..
His theory requires dying in an epic battle for the blade to turn black. Ryuma didn’t do that so the theory is indeed cancelled
His theory requires dying in an epic battle for the blade to turn black. Ryuma didn’t do that so the theory is indeed cancelled
Ah ok, i missed that part.. I don't think you need to pour all your soul to create a Black Blade.. You just need to be Soul tied and that's with CoO Soul Coating.. I'm not even sure at this point that CoC is required for creating a Black Blade..

Seems like dying in an epic battle like what Luffy did to awaken.. But Luffy took the shortcut to Awakening i think..
Ah ok, i missed that part.. I don't think you need to pour all your soul to create a Black Blade.. You just need to be Soul tied and that's with CoO Soul Coating.. I'm not even sure at this point that CoC is required for creating a Black Blade..

Seems like dying in an epic battle like what Luffy did to awaken.. But Luffy took the shortcut to Awakening i think..
Soul coating :risicheck:

You’re creating your own power system at this point