Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1097 Spoilers Discussion

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Yeah but my point was that this speaks against the idea of Bonney being Ginny.
I mean if Kuma expelled Ginny’s memories, and Bonney just assumed she was an orphaned girl adopted by Kuma after kuma saves her next chapter it kinda all makes sense.

It explains why Vegapunk didn’t want Bonney to see Kumas memories and called them pain. Because Kuma never wanted Bonney to see what she lived through as Ginny.
I doubt Kuma was ever a tyrant, seems like Celestial Dragon lies. No way Kuma ever oppressed anyone imo, he was probably a great King but he was doing things that the Celestial Dragons didn’t want because it made them look like shit, so they propagandized him as a tyrant.

This is how this stuff works in real life. Anytime there are good governments that do good things for their people, the world powers brand them as evil or communist or whatever so their people don’t start asking why the same good things can’t be done for them.
at first i also doubt that, but after this chapter i noticed some change in kuma portrayal:

in the flashback:
- he talk softly & seems very kind to people
- his normal expression always with smile, even in the page when he joins RA (still without glasses) his expression shows no anger, more towards proud.

while current kuma (even before pacifista stuff):
- he is more quite & colder to people
- his face & expression is very flat (more towards angry/sad), and it's even colder with sunglasses

so i think there must be a super tragic backstory that changed him..
probably tragic enough to make him go rampage at least once.. and release all his pent up anger & emotions, which also how he got his nickname "tyrant" as WG will also constantly frame him for that moment.
The whole Ginny being Bonney just seems a bit dumb imo, also in most flashbacks there is always some important/major character death.

For Law it was Rosinante, for Big Mom it was Mother Carmel and the Orphanage Kids, for Oden it was Oden himself, and so on.

So when it comes to Kuma, Ginny will be the major character death for his flashback.
at first i also doubt that, but after this chapter i noticed some change in kuma portrayal:

in the flashback:
- he talk softly & seems very kind to people
- his normal expression always with smile, even in the page when he joins RA (still without glasses) his expression shows no anger, more towards proud.

while current kuma (even before pacifista stuff):
- he is more quite & colder to people
- his face & expression is very flat (more towards angry/sad), and it's even colder with sunglasses

so i think there must be a super tragic backstory that changed him..
probably tragic enough to make him go rampage at least once.. and release all his pent up anger & emotions, which also how he got his nickname "tyrant" as WG will also constantly frame him for that moment.
Personally I feel like it’ll be more that Kumas about to strike a deal with someone. That in exchange for Bonneys protection Kuma will take in all the blame for what’s happening on the island Ginny was captured on and leave the revolutionaries and join the warlords
Why? Oda depicted her as an adult. Her may or may not being a kid is new info and even then, the people you referred to simped over her adult depiction (not that I don't find it dumb to simp over cartoons, but trying to make a case on pedophilia is dumb).
Prior to knowing, it was fine -- due to there being no way of clocking it. However, if people continue to simp, then it's just cringe. Part of the disgusting element of pedophilia isn't just the attraction to pre-pubescent bodies.... it's the attraction to a personality and mind which is easily manipulated and controlled due to the difference in maturity.

Furthermore, if you're still okay with simping over the adult form after knowing... then that's just suspicious, bro.
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