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Awesome, someone else got it then. What does it do, can we figure out based on the thread who got it. They are probably scum if they keep quiet and you did give it to someone
Flower you went silent we can catch someone, let's get to work, oh was it really fake lol?
We could roll scum into a large pile and burn them to the ground if you are town. Just hesitant given your past lie detector ways lol
Thoughts Cake?
Honestly I would of preferred mafia, especially in a multiball cuz that's always fun but oh well
I can convert you but there may be side effects
> Naomi is cracking me up, locked town. Now back to sleep.
This statement is probably NAI but GTH town; weird how that works huh. Lock towning somebody for a silly reason is less likely to come from a scum POV imo, given how inherintly shaky that is and how it can be used against you later. Small thing but townie.

> There was nothing to read. The only interesting thing was that T-Pein said he couldn't be killed. I think he's town. Lynch Ultra with me. This is cringe too
Probably townie as well? Saying to go after a high poster especailly how last game went, as well as calling T-Pein a LHF town(No matter how wrong you are) is townie

> Naomi! Glad to see you playing again. I will vote whoever you tell me to vote. Funny. I had the same idea as well.
Pocket anyways, townie. Its nice first of all which is well; nice, and subjecting your vote as scum to another scum partner can go very wrong later; as well as subjecting your vote to a town member a scum can go very long. This slot is probably just town, as small as this micro read is

Town Lean:
- Psylocke

Upper Null:
- Random Asshole
- Sallucion

Scum Lean:
- Cubey

- OddOddFruit
@Dr_Professer83 meow
Lord Melkor UwU
>Hi, I do not think I have seen you much after beginning of the game. Any thoughts on the game?
Townie~~ admits they didn't see thewm, unpaiws the two uwu; townie pwogwession

> You too? What are your current reads?
Townie pwogwession; asking fow weads iws genewawwy townie, bwiefs thewm own thewe knowwedge of the gamestate awnd scum iws much wess wikewy tuwu duwu iwt juwst due tuwu the akwawd ness if they wabew thewm as scum in my expeiwnece.

> Ultra I am liking better right now after his initial push on Flower and indie hunting, so I would put him as null overall
Shows updating of thewe weads; nowt static, cawn change continuouswy* townie

> Currently I am voting Pot. I have Sallucion, Ekko, as scum reads as well, Cake I could also see being scum she did not contribute anything other than annoyance on Ratchet. Not sure about Ultra and Reloaded among other more active players.
Expwesswy states thewe thought of the gamestate; seems wike thewe nowt hiding anything in a sense? i cawn awso see aww of these weawisticwy

> There seems to be multiple sources of gaining abilities in this game, including Nanika. @ORCA do you know from where you gained your ability from?
Whiwe i nowmawwy hate discussion of mech in a pw madness gawme its much mowe town awwigned; scum doesnt wawnt tuwu discuss mech most of the time

> So your honest position is that targetting indies in a game when we know we can expect 8 mafia is the most optimal course of action day 1?
> I do not remember everyone playing who is not solving because they are not active. Indigo's attitude seemed genuine and he revealed a census, Kiku seemed in her carefree attitude I remember from her town self, Ratchet had good entrance and I agreed with his take on Flower and Naomi.
> So far i have Sallu, Red Night, Eko as scum reads. Charles, Flower, Indigo, Naomi, Ratchet, Kiku as town reads.
> In short: I did not feel genunine game solving from them. In particular Ekko is talking about indies and we should focus on them while mafia will kill each other, Red Night seems to be just trolling.

a bunch of good posts above; i'm nowt going tuwu gow ovew why each of thewm iws good othew than they pwogwess the gamestate

wowd mewkows posts seem tuwu genuinwy be wanting tuwu weww- sowve; they dont seem tuwu be tunnewed, they'we juwst tawking abouwt the gawme with static changing weads thawt update tuwu the gamestate + i cawn undewstand aww of thewm. Iwt feews wike they'we nowt hiding anything in a snese; thawt they'we puwe iws how i wouwd put iwt
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Since when are you Lucat?
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