Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 20 13.5%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 8.1%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 94 63.5%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 17 11.5%

  • Total voters
Only watched the anime but remember being satisfied by it
Are there differences?

The eight kings, one of the parts of the manga I was most hyped about
Man we really need another food-cooking-fighting manga with big monsters and a crazy world
FMA and FMAB have vastly different endings. FMAB followed the mangas ending and was vastly superior. The final fight between Father and Ed is phenomenal despite the power scale being quite simple
Eh I think it was very well paced none of it was extended beyond necessity and everything was given enough time to progress and explain everything
To tell a story sure maybe, but being able to just topple Brittannia so quickly or even E.U etc... The Emperor also went from doing nothing at all to doing something was like 1 to 11 imo.
Among other things that weren't full fleshed out, such as the whole black knights vs Zero etc... At least to me it all was.

Mr. Reloaded

Certified Dragon Gooner
My fellow citizens, we are in crisis. The world has become just too threatening, too complex. It hurts our hearts. It hurts our brains. Above all, it hurts our pride.

This will not stand. We must fight the threat of complexity, and we can defeat it. We can defeat it where it matters most. We can defeat it within ourselves. We can reassert our simple, pure certainty, driving back the threat of complexity and restoring our absolute confidence.

Though you may feel lost, all is not lost. There is a solution. We must resolve here together, today to embrace the one true solution and march forward together, our eyes and ears closed, our step steady.

Though we will declare that the cost to us is great, the cost will not be great. Indeed, we can and will defeat all enemies of our pride at no cost to ourselves but one, a small cost, the sacrifice of all fairmindedness. Who among us would not sacrifice fairmindedness in a war against the terror of complexity?

We must take a principled stance against all challenges. If anyone, foreign or domestic, across the globe or in our own homes raises a challenge to our pride, that person is the enemy and must be defeated by any means possible. No overpowering too excessive! No lie too great! No hypocrisy too crass!

There will be some among us who will have qualms but they can and should be overcome! Just remember this: Your pride is the highest virtue. The more that people threaten your pride, the more they show their true colors. They are traitors.

God loves you. Our cult loves you. If anyone challenges you, they are challenges God and those most loyal to you. It is your duty to defeat them from on high.

Every challenge to your authority proves your authority. Do not spare it. Find fault in all challengers. They are but humans. They are beneath you. Focus on their faults never flinching, never once examining your own heart or mind. Such introspection is now beneath you.
Death Note had the best ending of all time.

I just couldn't watch much more after L.