"Islamic ineividuals" have no more hate towards others than any average human has hate for other humans.
You're constantly making up strawmans of "evil Muslims" coming to get you.

And besides, there is a thread for discussing Religion and religious affairs. This doesn't belong here
No, I am speaking of ACTUAL things that are happening, Nika. Jewish missing persons photos are being torn down in London by Islamists. People have been shouted at, and jeered, and harassed by Islamic followers because they dared try to insinuate that Hamas was a terrorist organisation.

If you CANNOT see this, or more accurately, wilfully ignore the bad actors in your community, sect, or "tribe" then you are morally defunct and are standing on a foundation of lies and immorality.

This belongs here because it's intrinsically tied to the debate. You cannot obfuscate or deflect. I am not making a strawman. These are instances that are easily found online. You just wish to dismiss them because they are unfortunate truths that you do not wish to confront.

You are not justice.

You are not righteousness.

A person who actually cared would tackle all sides. They would call out bad actors in their communities and rally against the atrocities committed against them. You do part two, but part one? Silence.
UNRWA has school teaching terrorism in Gaza
they are directly working with hamas

"big muslim taking over the world narrative" is brough on by fellow muslims saying it. And the non-radical majority NOT calling them out/criticizing them.
UN schools teach terrorism?
Non radical Muslims aren't calling out radicalists?

Dude, do you even exist in this world?
I don't know which one of your points is more unfounded.
I know you guys like targeting schools and hospitals, but to even include UN run schools into your propaganda is certainly a choice.
Just because the majority of the UN is calling you out does not mean they're evil, ya know. It's your government's actions that you should look at more closely
Aah yes, the "big bad Muslim taking over the world" narrative.
Brought you by the official partners of ignorant people - "I heard XYZ" and "they're sTrIcTlY opPoSeD to Jews and Christians"
One of the posters at least specified islam and not muslims.

Always important to make this distinction
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Regardless of the humanitarian crisis, if you cannot acknowledge the sheer depths of hatred Islamic individuals have for Jews and other religious people, then you're nothing but a bigot masquerading as a hero -- very much like the "freedom fighters" many of the "protestors" idolise.
And just after i commended you making the distinction between the religion and its adherents. . .

Yes, hatred for jews and christians is ingrained in islamic scriptures, islamic individuals dont necessarily have this hatred though.
why is it so hard to find proof that hamas baked 40 beheaded babies in an oven and then photographed their mothers giving thumbs up, but so EASY to find proof that israel slaughters women and children by the hundreds with fire bombs? what's next, you'll gas the palestinians?

i cant even make a joke without it being real, my god
I was thinking that they might actually do that.Chemical weapons in a confined space like a tunnel should be deadly.
"Islamic ineividuals" have no more hate towards others than any average human has hate for other humans.
You're constantly making up strawmans of "evil Muslims" coming to get you.

And besides, there is a thread for discussing Religion and religious affairs. This doesn't belong here
Eh, i wouldnt equate hatred from religious Motivation to hatred generally
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UNRWA has school teaching terrorism in Gaza
they are directly working with hamas

"big muslim taking over the world narrative" is brough on by fellow muslims saying it. And the non-radical majority NOT calling them out/criticizing them.
Couple weeks ago i shared a video of a sheikh talking about when muslims will be powerful again they will enslave people, force jizya, or kill them if necessary.

So this is definitely a thing, and the non-radical muslims pretending its not a thing doesnt help, sure.
One of the posters at least specified islam and not muslims.

Always important to make this distinction
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And just after i commended you making the distinction between the religion and its adherents. . .

Yes, hatred for jews and christians is ingrained in islamic scriptures, islamic individuals dont necessarily have this hatred though.
I make a distinction between Muslims and Islam as a faith -- hence the term Islamic Individuals, or, I guess better put, strict adherents to Islam. Muslims are not the problem, it's the ideology of Islam. If someone follows it so zealously to the point of extreme behaviour, then they're Islamist.

I don't think I explained myself very well in that instance.
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Unfortunately, it is difficult to keep the terminology consistent, so, in good faith, allow me to explain.

There are individuals who are culturally Muslim, much like those who are culturally Christian. They are beloved members of the communities they are in, who separate the interest of the faith from some of the good of the faith. They take the good, cherish it, and use it to enrich people's lives and their own.

When I say "Islamist" I mean a strict adherent to Islam the ideology. Islam is dangerous to the west since it's antithetical to their values and customs. When I speak of the danger of these people, I mean the ideology they hold, not the people themselves. There are white Islamists. There are Arab Christians. The issue is not the race/ethnic minority. It is not the colour of their skin.

It is the ideology they follow that allows them to feel entitled to behave in a manner that violates the laws and customs of the lands they now inhabit.

I endeavour to always separate Islam from Muslim individuals. It is difficult, as the two are tightly interwoven. Should I stray in terminology, that is my bad, but these are my wholehearted opinions on the matter.
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I make a distinction between Muslims and Islam as a faith -- hence the term Islamic Individuals, or, I guess better put, strict adherents to Islam. Muslims are not the problem, it's the ideology of Islam. If someone follows it so zealously to the point of extreme behaviour, then they're Islamist.

I don't think I explained myself very well in that instance.
Islamist =/= islamic.

Moderate muslims are also islamic individuals. But fair enough then.
Did my words on your precious faith cut something?
You have wrong idea about my faith.

You are not a religious expert. Have you read Quran yourself?

This is one verse from top of my head:

If the enemy is inclined towards peace, make peace with them. And put your trust in Allah. Indeed, He ˹alone˺ is the All-Hearing, All-Knowing.


What you guys do is, take one verse and write a book on it. Why dont you take other verses into account?
What you guys do is, take one verse and write a book on it. Why dont you take other verses into account?
Ignorant people don't realize that the Qur'an wasn't revealed in one day, but over the course of 23 years - and more importantly - in the context of the adversities the Muslims faced at the time.

But then again, this is religious doctrine and has no place in a politics thread where the average user isn't even aware of their own religious scriptures.

@AL sama if religious debate is allowed, a separate thread should be made for it with explicit ruling that it should stay within that thread
Zenos, please stay away from these topics.
You are not an intellectual.

You dont want to listen to others, you have just heard about few verses and drawing inferences from them.

The interpretation of Quran is a complex matter and even the Imams have differences when it comes to explanations. That's why they say it is not ok to take one verse and act on it, you need to verify it from other verses, instances, Ahadees, and such.

You dont understand 1% of Islam and Quran.

I will leave it at this.

Ignorant people don't realize that the Qur'an wasn't revealed in one day, but over the course of 23 years - and more importantly - in the context of the adversities the Muslims faced at the time.

But then again, this is religious doctrine and has no place in a politics thread where the average user isn't even aware of their own religious scriptures.

@AL sama if religious debate is allowed, a separate thread should be made for it with explicit ruling that it should stay within that thread
It's weird how the people who should be in favor of separating church from state will often bring up scripture with politics. At least the people who see imaginary antisemites actually follow their faith for the most part, with agnostic or atheist it's pointless.