Socially I don't even think people should be allowed to have kids until 24+ because biologists proved that that's when the brain finishes growing
Yeah, I think humans should be allowed to do consensual, safe lewd stuff with each other when they're entering puberty. Kids don't get STDS from adults, the people who didn't want my bisexual little sister and gay friend to eat each other out in their teens were just giant jerks who hated women and gay people, they didn't have any STDS and were both such nice young women.
But actual vaginal intercourse should be way later, because, you don't want teens getting pregnant and having to get abortions. Birth control and condoms can fail, the safest intercourse is the sex where you don't cum in a vagina.
Statuatory age should be 20, IMO, teenagers should not be allowed to have sex with adults.
I think alcohol should be 25+ because of what you were saying about brain development, as well.