Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

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Heavy Metal
When you know the person is a kid(not an adult), then you being attracted to that person means you're a pedo and weirdo.
Thats a point you add, which wasnt part of my argumentation. And yes, if you know the age, you actively choose a children and that makes you a pedophile. But that wasnt the case with Blackbeard for example.

Oda knew Bonney is a kid, he's using the age age fruit as copium to continue his boobs and ass fetishism
Doesn't matter if Bonney aged herself, she's still a kid!
Having mature body means nothing if the person isn't an adult!
At that point of her process, she was an adult. She had an adult body. Yes it is a bit weird to give Fanservice like that keeping in mind she is in reality younger, but with her fruit, she was an adult at that point. Its fishy and absolute discussable at that point. But claiming Oda a pedophile for drawing fanservice of an adult woman body, is just retarded.
Charlos would have been a baby at the time. He's an idiot but also clearly young.

You can depict any ugly older CD with Ginny.

Folks. No need to rage at him, it's Oda that gave him the ammunition to post this crap. In fact is very close to Oda's headcanon.
The manga is going to shit, let's be realistic here. We can be mad at kurwa, but on this one he's right. Blame Oda for shooting himself in the foot.
Oh yeah Kurwa's one of the worst users here but this one isn't really his fault, Oda's just a hack
you guys think the fandom would lose their shit if Oda finished One Piece with 1200 chapters?

i personally think people might be salty at first, but then they would come around to it and defend it, like we always do
1200 is 2 years minimum. With so many breaks it might be more. Will see how much he can still do at this point.

He dragged too much previous arcs that's why he's in this predicament now.
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Oh yeah Kurwa's one of the worst users here but this one isn't really his fault, Oda's just a hack
Thank you! Exactly my point.
you guys think the fandom would lose their shit if Oda finished One Piece with 1200 chapters?

i personally think people might be salty at first, but then they would come around to it and defend it, like we always do
Only way its ending at that pace is it not ending at all and the series gets cancelled/put on hiatus because he cant finish it lol.

Oda still has 10x the characters of Wano to finish in 2/3s of Wano's length? And he's in the middle of a flashback with particular character, fighting 1 Admiral/Gorosei subordinates of 2 other villains, not even counting Blackbeard or Shanks or Rocks or the Burned Scar man?

Lol, aint happening.
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