This ain’t my theory, I saw it on Reddit but it would make perfect sense, especially if we’re about to get some kind of Saturn vs Kuma interaction. Bonney’s biological terrible celestial dragon father VS her adopted loving father and all that. This would be great.
Apparently Sapphire is also associated with Saturn if you Google it or some shit, I’m not going to research that here lol.
@SakazOuki @MarineHQ @Kurozumi Wiwi @The White Crane @Wuuuke @silverfire @scoobie3 @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Apollo @Admiral Mou Bu @ZenZu @Extravlad @kurwa @haxxor @EmperorKinyagi @Blackbeard @Owl Ki @TheKnightOfTheSea @God Buggy @Sentinel @Playa4321 @Veku @Le Fishe D. Tomdou @GoldDiamond @Dragon777 @Weeman @Cadis Etrama Di Urek @Uncle Van @TheAncientCenturion @Pantheos @Bogard etc