Speculations Which strawhats will have kids?

- Franky and Robin will definitely have kids
- If Oda wants that "second generation" trope shit Luffy will definitely have a child (either with Hammock or Vivi) otherwise its really difficult to imagine him with a lover and a kid lmao
- Zoro hmm, I don't know tbh can't imagine him with a kid too, but if he had one it will be a boy
- As for Sanji didn't he imagine his daughter with Nami in one filler lmao they'll probably have many kids, Nami really likes children
- Ussop and Kaya will have one I'm sure
-Chopper and that female reindeer mink (when they are adult) will have kids
- as for Brook >>>>>>>>>> he's dead YOHOHOHO

Garp the Fist

Hopefully none of them. I'm very done with the trend of the last chapter being a sequel bait X years later where everyone has babies.

That being said, I'm relatively sure that Shusui will demand it happen so they can make some more money.

So with that in mind I can guarantee Zoro and Sanji will have kids that are practically the exact same as them but- here's an original twist- one is a girl so that whatever substandard sequel we get will ship them together.

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Zest Demon!๐Ÿ˜ˆ
Hopefully none of them. I'm very done with the trend of the last chapter being a sequel bait X years later where everyone has babies.

That being said, I'm relatively sure that Shusui will demand it happen so they can make some more money.

So with that in mind I can guarantee Zoro and Sanji will have kids that are practically the exact same as them but- here's an original twist- one is a girl so that whatever substandard sequel we get will ship them together.
Sanji said that he wants to have a daughter so that's could be possible:bamathink:
Also i feel like for no reason at all if luffy and Hancock have a kid it'll probably be the first boy born in Amazon lily just because "funny"

With both his parents having coc hell definitely become king of the harems
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Im'ma stop you right there:halt:
I think itd be cute tbh okama are some of the best characters in the series
Bonchan, ivankov, inazuma, sanji, kiku (tho shes more trans), and izo (tho hes a crossdresser)

Itd be really cute imo

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Luffy will, solely so we get Two Piece a few years after OP ends.
Zoro will, and theyโ€™ll be just as grumpy and directionless as their dad.
Nami will, mostly to sculpt them into superior thieves.
Usopp wonโ€™t, he doesnโ€™t know how itโ€™s done.
Sanji wonโ€™t, kids would cramp his style too much.
Chopper is still biologically an animal.
Robin and Franky will have children with each other, and the Frobin Pirates will usurp the Straw Hats as the greatest crew on the seas.
Brook is a living skeleton.
Jinbe wonโ€™t if he hasnโ€™t already.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Luffy will, solely so we get Two Piece a few years after OP ends.
Zoro will, and theyโ€™ll be just as grumpy and directionless as their dad.
Nami will, mostly to sculpt them into superior thieves.
Usopp wonโ€™t, he doesnโ€™t know how itโ€™s done.
Sanji wonโ€™t, kids would cramp his style too much.
Chopper is still biologically an animal.
Robin and Franky will have children with each other, and the Frobin Pirates will usurp the Straw Hats as the greatest crew on the seas.
Brook is a living skeleton.
Jinbe wonโ€™t if he hasnโ€™t already.