wth is up with the signs not following correct order in main thread?
@Dr_Professor83 @Michelle
is part of bastard experience!? Red Night appears beside me and ratchet (who got recent dead on this list)
TheAncientCenturion oddoddfruit Oddoddfruit Lost Duel Day 2
2- Pot Goblin
Zolo Zolo Lynched Day 4
3- Red Night
Naomi Naomi Killed Night 1 Revived Day 3 Died Day 3
4- Dr_Professor83
TheAncientCenturion TheAncientCenturion Killed Night 3
5- Kiku BakiDou
Naomi Hayumi
Indigo Flower Flower Killed Night 4
8- CakeWalker
Mr. Reloaded Reloaded Lynched Day 2
T-Pein™ Ekkologix Ekkologix Killed Night 4
Mr. Reloaded Lord Melkor
Ultra Mashiro Blue Alluka Zoldyck/Nanika Killed Day 3
12- Hayumi Sallucion
Flower CakeWalker
Mashiro Blue The Orca
Mathias Pot Goblin
Charlie Jesse Pinkman
17- ~UwU~ Mathias Mathias Killed Night 2
18- jesse pinkman
Charlie Charlie Killed Night 5
19- Alwaysmind Kiku
20- Ekkologix T-Pein™ T-Pein Lynched Day 3 Revived Night 3 Killed Day 4
21- The Orca
Yoho Yoho Killed Night 1
22- Polar Bear Random Asshole Random Asshole Lynched Day 5
23- Random Asshole Ratchet Ratchet Killed Day 5
24- BakiDou
Indigo's Lament Ada Killed Night 2
25- Sallucion Luka
26- Lord Melkor
Ultra Ultra Killed Night 5
27- Psylocke Psylocke Psylocke Killed Day 4
Dr_Professor83 Prof The Puppet With Multiple Threads Died Day 3
Ratchet Red Night
30- SakazOuki
Polar Bear Polar Bear Lynched Day 1
only psylock seems correct from sign ups/main game thread
27- Psylocke Psylocke Psylocke Killed Day 4---correct on the list from sign ups
SakazOuki from signs up......?