Yeah sorry but I call this BS.
It is not just about restrictions; with the current way how Zelda games are developed, you can hardly do a coherent storyline. There were 4 important side characters telling the same stuff, with the same scenes (ancestors fighting Ganondorf), this would have been avoided if the story had a more linear storyline. It's a fact. You can still make a vast explorable world with very few limitations whilst making a coherent story. Yeah sure, with a more coherent and linear story, it would also mean there's some more restrictions on the game but this is honestly better. The initial thought about open air Zelda games seemed good but
we all saw the execution, me included.
120 repetitive shrines.
No coherent story.
Many less memorable areas in the story.
More unnecessary crafting.
There are good and bad parts about openworld games and BotW/TotK really stretched the bad ones to its near limit whilst improving on the good ones. Tbh, I'd rather have more restrictions but with a funny functional story instead of the new formular which feignings freedom because this freedom mainly touches the surface, not the issues which are brought by it.
I mean, it's perfectly good that you can explore the world in any way you like but it's just an excuse to not include proper storylines into the game. None of the other open world games like Elden Ring, Skyrim, Witcher or even GTA made you directly fight the final boss if you want.
So that's how the newer games will be?
Someone in the comments already mentioned it perfectly: Would we even like Midna as much if she appeared in BotW/TotK? Would she still get that kind of characterization which she got in TP? I don't think so.
And that's the issue about BotW/TotK storylines: They are not fluid and have no clear line. Everything just feels completely optional as if you're just doing some side quests. That shouldn't be the case with main quests. That's my take.
Plus, they talk about freedom vs restrictions but it is really that creative to make 120 (and in TotK, it's even 152 shrines - 32 more!) mostly repetitive mini dungeons like the shrines? The only different thing about them are puzzles but that's it.
At least dungeons had more individuality in TotK but they all still had the same objective about the 4 - 5 terminals. No keys, no locked doors, no secret paths, no mini boss, skippable puzzles (you can just glimb the walls in the Fire Temple for example). They talk about all that freedom stuff but freaking shrines have more restrictions (!) than the actual main dungeons. Is that really their intention?
If future Zelda games will have the same narrative, I'm thinking twice of buying those games... There's a lot of valid criticism and if they just toss all that aside because of "freedom", I doubt newer Zelda games will be that different to BotW/TotK and I wouldn't doubt they would ultimately "restrict" themselves way more by making absolutely limitless options in development.
I liked the creativity and mystery in older Zelda games. I liked all the dungeons, even the bad ones. I even liked the stories, the endless debates about the timeline. Now they just cut off everything interesting and unique about that and replaced it with new stuff, claiming "new and less restrictive stuff is better" and hoping the traditional Zelda fans will like it, hell naw.
Well, it's hardware-issues.
Just like how they actually tried to make Wind Waker similar to BotW - no joke - but the technical limitations didn't make it possible to go that far. They always wanted to build a very large world of pure adventure and exploration. Look up the earlier development of OoT - the map was 2x larger than it originally came out to be iirc.
But yeah, design-wise, Death Mountain always had different appearances but I guess, it's mainly an artistic choice because there wouldn't be any fun in climbing the same mountain in every Zelda game which looks visually the same. I mean, TotK already used the same map and look how many people were quickly bored because of exploring the same map.
I partially agree because Nintendo did intent to link some Zelda games with each other.
Some examples:
Ocarina of Time - Majora's Mask.
Wind Waker - Phantom Hourglass - Spirit Tracks
Twilight Princess.
And all games are somewhat connected to Ocarina of Time - WW, PH, ST, TP and MM.
Then there is AlttP which would put OoT as the prequel basically.
I wouldn't say that the official timeline makes sense - it really doesn't - but some Zelda games do have a clear timeline. Skyward Sword is basically the start of everything. But the Downfall timeline can easily be explained as parallel universes or some alternative reality in which Ganondorf won.
Yeah, the entire timeline is really messy but I can't say it wasn't funny to debate about that.
Then BotW came and just tossed the entire thing away with the explanation "Yeah, BotW is in all timelines."
To make things worse, TotK then completely ruined everything. Basically, Hyrule was long destroyed but then rebuilt by the Zonai. Then a new Ganondorf was born and the whole imprisonment war and 10000 years of Calamity began.
I guess they ultimately decided to abandon the timeline. No wonders, they also abandoned everything which made older Zelda games unique...
Someone asked the devs why all Sheikah devices, guardians and the Divine Beasts disappeared.
Their response: "Well, they magically disappeared and nobody knows why."
Also them: "We don't want to have limitations in newer Zelda games", yeah sure!

Just say you don't gaf about the story anymore...