This is a slipping slope. And actually a very loaded argument.
If by not being homophobic or transphobic you mean accepting that someone can be homossexual or suffer from gender dysphoria, frankly, I never met many moderate Christians that had a issue. It's not like your sexual preferences are written on your face. What we have a issue is the things that are asked of us after we take this step.
Nowadays, as a example, some activists claim that is homophobic to deny marriage for those types while ignoring that the Holy book consider sodomy a sin. This is a move that many think that weakens the religion because trying to appease those types is just shooting your own foot. They want to spite on our traditions just to make a point that we are close minded.
The point is that this argument of ''not be homophobic or transphobic'' is nowadays used to conceal some really disturbing things. You have to be specific about what you actually want.
The issue really lies in the fact that people believe the scripture should be up for dispute. Let's discount for a moment whether we believe OR don't believe in the holy word. The important thing is that some people do. They should not be forced to subvert their beliefs for the beliefs of others through legislation.
Furthermore, you are correct - homophobic/transphobic rhetoric is inherently loaded. It's an accusation. Most moderates are NOT like this, but even then, what we think they mean is not what they mean. What they actually mean is: If you do not agree 100% with everything I conscribe to, you are a bigot.
That's essentially elevating their moral values above your own.
I am accused very frequently of being a transphobe, though I'd argue I have done more for trans individuals than the majority of these activists. I have helped them get employment, housing and shelter. I care for these people, even if I think these days it's a maladaptive coping strategy to modernity.
What values are you talking about? The very admirable value of constantly forcing your beliefs on other people from different cultures maybe?
Well, this comment was unrelated to the previous, but to expound for you - the values of wanting to uphold your own culture. That's what the Jews also want. And they will war for it. So many groups across history has fought for cultural supremacy.
Your argument about forcing values falls flat when many immigrants protested on British streets during one of their most sacred days for a war that has nothing to do with the UK. Talk about forcing your values and beliefs on people of different cultures much...