Any admiral except sengoku , muh we got to listen to gorosei .
I can convice Akainu why gorosei and celestial dragons are not worthy ruling the world .
It goes like this :
Akainu : grrr this stupid gorosei messing my view on justice .
‘Me : Then You don’t need listen to moronic old folks . Just kill them in name of justice , and get rid of them or make them to bow you as volcano god .
Akainu : You are telling me to kill 5 gorosei guy for in name of justice ?
Me: open your eyes , theses celestial dragon doesn’t have justice in thisr mind . They can act like pirates literally which you already saw it l
Just claim you are sent by god to destroy celestial dragon as false gods and enforce the true justice to the world . Just do it . Lot of people will follow you .
Hwre my written speech to you .
So do you believe in free will?
Akainu : well your suggestion seem genuine and I have to think about it .
‘And I dunno if free will actually exist .
Then we talk about politics, race , religion , etc .