Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1100 Spoilers Discussion

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The flying 5 were jokes? You mean the group whose 2 weakest members(aside from Drake)survived a g3 punch...and had Luffy want to go gear 4 on them? Who's Who with a few dozen fodder was overpowering Jinbei while holding back.

Heck. There's a reason Oda had Big Mom get rid of 2 of them.

Because they were too strong for anyone else to get rid of.
Don't get me wrong the Tobiroppo are strong in fact I think they clap people like Vergo and Daifuku but come on Luffy clearly only needed G4 to break out of her grasp
The flying 5 were jokes? You mean the group whose 2 weakest members(aside from Drake)survived a g3 punch...and had Luffy want to go gear 4 on them? Who's Who with a few dozen fodder was overpowering Jinbei while holding back.
Uhhh, it took Jinbe needing to get serious to 1 tap him, the fuck are you smoking?

Funny how you defend the F6 on durability yet shit on Kizaru from taking an AdCoC G5 punch to the head and not being unconscious. Weird logic

Heck. There's a reason Oda had Big Mom get rid of 2 of them.

Because they were too strong for anyone else to get rid of.
Shit argument. They were fighting Nami and Usopp.

This is shit is laughable. Any other scenario and you'd call them fodder, but because you hate Marines and have your own agenda against them for some reason, the VAs just arent allowed to have fights in the same context.

Funny how that works.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Call me Barqbeard, the Shaggy
Dude you are always on point, even when I disagree with you but here I 100% agree with you.

There is literally nothing wrong with Kizaru dancing at the drums, it makes his character even better and deeper than what these guys make it seem. Everything he did on Egghead so far is at the level of the admiral he is and is very respectable, at no point he "hesitated" to complete his mission like these guys make it seem.

These people have a problem with it because they are blinded by their silly agenda.

I love Kizaru even more for it and I hope he switches sides AFTER Saturn's defeat (and not before), this would be the biggest incident that we could ever think and this will definitely shock the world.

Nika defeating Saturn and Kizaru joining Luffy's side AFTER the defeat (which makes sense only that way, Kizaru can't betray Saturn before he is defeated) would shock the entire world.
We already knew Kizaru was close with Vegapunk, Bonney, and Sentomaru, people who all knew Kuma. Kizaru dancing with Kuma isn't out of character, it's just the first time we've seen Kizaru in a social situation.

If Kizaru gets up, and suddenly goes, "I have seen the light, I will now fight for Nika", that writing would be HORRIBLE, but there are plenty of reasons for Kizaru to go against the Marines and WG right now/in the near future.

It's so weird that Aokiji gets less flack for fighting Akainu and then leaving the Marines than Kizaru and Fujitora do for the most minor shit.

Like, I've seen people hold Fujitora freeing slaves against him, as if it makes him less of an Admiral. Crazy hours.

Luffy fans are fucking crazy, but ya'll are united over one guy. Admiral fans are just as crazy but also at each other's throats over the most random shit, when they should be supporting each other's agendas. The Admirals aren't pirates. They aren't competing with each other. They have different IDEAS of justice, but, they all believe in justice and order.

Mihawk said it best; Luffy's strength is making allies of everyone he meets. Buggy, Smoker, Vivi, Robin, Crocodile, etc.

This isn't a fucking battle shounen, it's never going to be a fucking battle shounen, it's an Adventure Manga that uses fights for narrative purposes. We wanted Kaido's whole backstory, but what we got was Kaido growing up in a poor, war ravaged nation, leading to him be a pirate who let himself get captured so he could eat.

Luffy defeating Kaido after this flashback is significant BECAUSE it shows that the world Luffy would make would have let Kaido grow up to be happy. Luffy is promising Kaido that he will change the world once Kaido is defeated.

Shoving God Valley into it would have made no sense. That's for Wano Act 4!

Hopefully Kizaru uses Awakening soon so everyone can calm the fuck down.
Uhhh, it took Jinbe needing to get serious to 1 tap him, the fuck are you smoking?

Funny how you defend the F6 on durability yet shit on Kizaru from taking an AdCoC G5 punch to the head and not being unconscious. Weird logic

Shit argument. They were fighting Nami and Usopp.

This is shit is laughable. Any other scenario and you'd call them fodder, but because you hate Marines and have your own agenda against them for some reason, the VAs just arent allowed to have fights in the same context.

Funny how that works.
Nobody hypes up the flying 6 as top tiers. We all know they are 2nd tier pirate subordinates. But to suggest they are a joke is a bit much.

And the flying 6>>>>vice admirals.

We have two instances in Dressrosa that show this.

1. Barto nagging Maynard
2. Sabo one shotting Bastille.

Meaning every single flying 6>>>>Bastille who is at least decent by VA standards.

The stronger vice admirals like Vergo would struggle to even damage Page One.
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