1. Its impossible to make a full description of any object, process, entity, event, etc, because its possible to make infinite descriptions about anything. A description is basically take the essential aspects of something. So there is no such thing as "universally described".
This is a fair point but in the case of a god there are too many major difference between certain definition such as sentience or the level of power for example, therefore its impossible to make everyone agree that something that appear is "a god"
2. The fact that are multiple models trying to answer "what is god", doesnt mean god cant exist or that is impossible
"Something" can exist but it just can't be called a "god" as demonstrated before. For that something to be called a god, the definition would need to be close enough universally. That's not the case.
Is a god something that creates the universe ?
Is a god something that is all powerfull and omnipotent ?
Is a god something that is perfect ?
Is a god something that can come from nothing and autocreate itself ?
Is a god something that can interfere or not interefer in human/planet level beings ?
Is a god something with a beard ?
Is a god something with no face ?
Is a god something that is neutral ?
There are thousands of question and a lot of the answer are contradictory in term of definition. For example, a perfect god can't be neutral it has to take the side of the good but this would contradict the fact that a god must take no side.
Its even possible that something else can create the universe, but should something that create the universe be called god ?
All of these questionning is important and the reason why the concept of god will always and only stay as a concept.
A good example is Loki in the final season
(spoiler) technically, at the end of the story, Loki possesse a lot of power, but should he be called a god anyway ? Though question. I have an answer, but someone might have another. Therefore the concept of god can't be really applied to him, more the concept of extrapowerfull maintenance guy. You get me ?