Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1101 Spoilers Discussion

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Kuma is one of the most important characters in the entire story who is connected to essentially every single major faction in the series but sure learning about his story and actions isnt lore, new information and characterization that people have wanted to see.
Most important character in OP yet Everytime we see him with other important characters in OP Oda conveniently off-screens everything so we don’t see and learn anything about them so we have to wait for another flashback

What you’re saying is paradoxical
Last chapter was the same with the initial spoilers. And then we found out about ace defeating an unknown Shichibukai and the warlords reactions in the full summary. Trust.


Especially because these Spoilers don't mention the typical what happens "at the end of the chapter" cliffhanger yet.

Most important character in OP yet Everytime we see him with other important characters in OP Oda conveniently off-screens everything so we don’t see and learn anything about them so we have to wait for another flashback

What you’re saying is paradoxical
what exactly did he off screen and for the love of God if you say God Valley
what exactly did he off screen and for the love of God if you say God Valley
Everything about the revolutionary army was reduced to 2 pages of panels which makes absolutely no sense given the context that we know that Kuma is one of the founders

Dragons role in the Kuma flashback has been to essentially appear every couple of chapters for 3 panels and say absolutely nothing about anything which doesn’t make any sense when you’re talking to your 2nd in command

Oda keeps hyping up the Buccaneers race but refuses to tell us absolutely anything about them or what crime they committed. If you want us to give a shit about Kuma we need to know everything
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